VIDEO: Tyler, the Creator’s Mountain Dew Goat Ad Called Racist; Commercial Pulled
2:24 pm, May 1st, 2013

Mountain Dew is pulling a commercial, featuring Tyler, the Creator as the voice of a menacing goat, over charges that the spot is racist and insensitive about violence toward women.
The minute-long clip, the third in a series with Felicia the Goat, shows the animal in a police lineup with several black men (portrayed by other Odd Future members), as a cop instructs a terrified, battered white woman to identify her assailant.
Felicia warns the victim, “You better not snitch on a playa… snitches get stitches, fool. Keep your mouth shut! I’m gonna get outta here, and I’m gonna Dew you up.”
The bruised woman eventually runs from the room as the exasperated police officer guzzles Mountain Dew.
Critics and advocates claimed the spot was over-the-top in its portrayal of racial stereotypes and attitude toward violence, and PepsiCo has now yanked the video from its official platforms.
“We understand how this video could be perceived by some as offensive, and we apologize to those who were offended,” a rep is quoted as saying.
Check out the pulled commercial — and its predecessors — below, and tell us what you think.
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