Chris Brown Identifies with Trayvon Martin, Says Jay Z “Gets A Pass” For Stabbing Someone and Selling Drugs

Truth rating: 10

1:14 pm, September 20th, 2013


Chris Brown says he identifies with Trayvon Martin and alleges that Jay Z has been unfairly given the benefit of the doubt compared to himself in a new cover interview with JET.

The singer-dancer tells the magazine, “I identify with Trayvon 100 percent as far as living in 2013 and still dealing with blatant racism.”

“This generation is so used to racism that it’s normal; we don’t care. We aren’t on drugs or catching AIDS, but they still look at us as ni**as,” explains Brown.

As for his bad reputation, the performer makes an interesting comparison.

“No disrespect, because I’m a fan, but nobody brings up the fact that [Jay Z] stabbed somebody and sold drugs,” observes Brown. “He gets a pass.”

What about Brown’s well-documented issues with anger?

He tells JET, “You have to go through the struggle before you can get to the good part. I don’t try to last out at people, or be as mad or impulsive as I used to be.”

Brown feels as though he’s been pushed to the edge.

“I got to the point where it’s only so much you can take from the master, you feel me?” he says. “I’ve taken my fair share of lashings.”

What do you think about Brown’s comments?

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PHOTO: Beyonce and Jay-Z Attend Trayvon Martin Rally, Meet with Mom Sybrina Fulton

Truth rating: 10

1:18 pm, July 20th, 2013


(Twitter/Al Sharpton)

Beyonce and Jay-Z showed their support for Trayvon Martin on Saturday, attending a “Justice For Trayvon” rally in New York, and meeting with the slain teenager’s mother Sybrina Fulton.

The event was one of a hundred rallies organized by Rev. Al Sharpton and his National Action Network across the country on Saturday, a week after George Zimmerman was found not guilty of murdering Martin in a verdict that’s sparked controversy and debate.

Beyonce held a moment of silence to honor Martin at her concert on the night of Zimmerman’s acquittal, and Jay-Z and Justin Timberlake have dedicated “Forever Young” to the teen during their joint “Legends of the Summer” tour this week (see below).

See more pictures of Beyonce and Jay-Z at the rally by clicking here.

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President Obama: Trayvon Martin “Could Have Been Me 35 Years Ago” (FULL VIDEO)

4:46 pm, July 19th, 2013



President Obama addressed the Trayvon Martin case on Friday, voicing support for the legal process that found George Zimmerman not guilty of murder, but speaking to the frustration and pain felt by African-Americans in a country where race remains a complicated, emotional issue.


“Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago,” Obama told the White House press corps, who had gathered for a media briefing but did not know Obama would appear.

In an often personal speech, the President discussed crime, prejudice, and how black Americans look at the Martin situation “through a set of experiences and a history that doesn’t go away.”

Check out the video below, and tell us what you think.

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