Ellona Santiago Praised By X Factor Judges As Best in Top 8 Face-Off (VIDEO)

10:21 pm, November 27th, 2013


(Daily Motion)

(Daily Motion)

The “X Factor” Top 8 had to compete directly head-to-head for the first time ever on Wednesday’s “Big Band” episode.

Each act performed a few lines from “Cry Me A River,” hoping to stand out above and beyond their competition — and it seems one singer may have succeeded.

Kelly Rowland praised Ellona Santiago, Lillie McCloud, and Alex & Sierra, but criticized Reckless Road for not harmonizing.

Demi Lovato agreed that Santiago “excelled,” as did Josh Levi and Carlito Olivero, along with Rion Paige to a lesser degree, but was a little disappointed by McCloud.

Paulina Rubio also said the boys were her highlights with Santiago, while saying she “expected a little bit more” from Jeff Gutt.

Simon Cowell declined to say who was the worst, refusing to “judge people on three lines,” but said that ”somebody here tonight has had an outstanding night — and that is Ellona Santiago.”

It seemed pretty unanimous on who was the best, at least according to the judges, but two acts will have to go home on Thursday’s Thanksgiving special.

Check out the video below, and tell us who gets your vote!

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WATCH: Alex & Sierra “Nail” Big Band Version of Taylor Swift’s “I Knew You Were Trouble” on X Factor

Truth rating: 10

9:46 pm, November 27th, 2013




Alex & Sierra completely reinvented a hit Taylor Swift song on “The X Factor” on Wednesday.

After a new take on “Best Song Ever” last week, the couple reimagined “I Knew You Were Trouble” to fit with the episode’s “Big Band” theme, earning raves from the judges for their original take on such a popular song.

“Y’all sound great together,” said Kelly Rowland, adding, “Your personality this week, Sierra, and all your charisma — you shined like the star that you are. Both of you shined this week.”

Demi Lovato admitted that at first she thought she “hated” the rearrangement, “but you guys made me like it.”

“That’s what’s really awesome about it. It’s so different than the original song, and I love the original song,” she went on. “That’s what artists do. You turn a song into your own and you guys nailed it. I thought you did great.”

Paulina Rubio gushed, “Just the way you guys love each other, you make me feel in love as soon as I see you guys.”

She went on to note, “And I think you have an amazing spot in the music [industry]. Nobody like you in the market.”

Mentor Simon Cowell said Alex & Sierra chose the song themselves as soon as they heard the theme, and commended the pair for not making an “obvious” choice, but a “cool” one instead.

“I think doing what you did with that song was clever,” said the music producer, calling it “a great, great vocal performance.”

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Jeff Gutt Gets Standing Ovation After “Killing It” with “Feeling Good” on X Factor

Truth rating: 10

8:59 pm, November 27th, 2013


(Daily Motion)

(Daily Motion)

Jeff Gutt received a standing ovation for his “incredible” performance during ”Big Band Week” on Wednesday’s “X Factor.”

The rocker performed an intense version of the classic “Feeling Good,” getting all the judges on their feet before they heaped tons of praise on the returning contestant.

Demi Lovato said she thought the theme would be a “challenge” for Gutt, explaining, “I never thought I’d hear you doing this song, but you killed it.”

“That’s really, really incredible,” she exclaimed. “I’ve never heard anyone do it like you.”

Paulina Rubio called it an “amazing performance,” and Simon Cowell declared it “absolutely fantastic, seriously fantastic.”

“From the minute you grabbed the microphone, you owned that song,” said the music producer. “As Demi said, you killed it. I loved everything about it.”

He went on, “You really deserve a break, and this is by far the best performance you’ve ever done. I absolutely loved it.”

And mentor Kelly Rowland said, “Well, Jeff, I’m lucky that I got a chance to hear it today, but I can’t wait to download that performance on iTunes because you nailed it.”

“I’m gonna enjoy that today, tomorrow, and in the days to come,” she added.

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