The Game Spends His Weekend in a Polaris Slingshot

The Game shares photos of so many different cars these days it’s hard to tell what he actually owns and what he’s just posing with, but either way, he was out a new Polaris Slingshot in Beverly Hills this weekend. Sure it might look cool in the photo but according to a recent article on Jalopnik, Polaris is having some major issues with the new Slingshot. Maybe The Game should just stick with his new Porsche Panamera instead.

The Game Polaris

Photo (@losangelesconfidential)

Shout out to Olu-Olu for the tip

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The Game’s New Customized Porsche Panamera

The Game goes through a lot of cars. His most recent addition is this new 2015 Porsche Panamera GTS, an upgrade from his 2011 Panamera. The car was black with tan interior (see below) but it didn’t stay that way for long. The Game took is to the guys at JC Customz for an overhaul and the outcome is pretty crazy. What do you think of the new look?

The Panamera before:

The Game Panamera

Photo (@losangelesconfidential)

The Panamera after:

The Game Porsche

Photo (@khriz_jc)

Posted in Porsche, Porsche Panamera, The Game |

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