George Clooney Dumps Stacy Keibler, Gives Her Apartment and Jewelry?!
Truth rating: 0
George Clooney Stacy Keibler the sun
12:58 pm, March 15th, 2013
“George Clooney is back on the market,” reports The Sun, which claims, “The actor and Stacy Keibler have split after deciding their relationship wasn’t going anywhere.”
According to a supposed “source” for the tabloid, “They knew it was never going to end in marriage or babies and Stacy does want kids and a husband in the next few years.”
The paper goes on to allege that Clooney “softened the break-up blow by giving the former wrestler an apartment and a load of jewelry.”
Of course, the report was picked up and embellished more by a number of other unreliable webloids, including RadarOnline (below).
But is it true?
Gossip Cop was skeptical of this story, especially since the Clooney-Keibler breakup rumors seem to spring up every few weeks, so we checked in with a source close to the couple who tells us it’s “100 percent false” that they’ve split.
Our insider adds, “Things could not be better.”
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