Ryan Gosling: I’m Taking Break from Acting

3:25 pm, March 20th, 2013


Ryan Gosling is set to step back from his busy schedule as a leading man.

In a new interview with the Associated Press, the actor reveals that he plans to take a break.

“I’ve been doing it too much,” Gosling says of acting. “I’ve lost perspective on what I’m doing. I think it’s good for me to take a break and reassess why I’m doing it and how I’m doing it. And I think this is probably a good way to learn about that.”

He adds, “I need a break from myself as much as I imagine the audience does.”

But Gosling fans should probably not despair — the actor is set to appear in two films this spring (The Place Beyond the Pines, Only God Forgives) and will soon make his directorial debut with How to Catch a Monster.

“There’s a lot of pressure to be the lead of a film,” he says. “I have done it. It’s not my favorite way to work.”

And while the star may indeed take a brief hiatus from acting, his motivation seems to be a desire to make smart choices as his career escalates.

“The more opportunities I’m given, the more I learn about how easy it is to (expletive) it up,” he tells the AP. “You fight for freedom and then you get it, and then you have enough rope to hang yourself. It’s like trying to exercise some restraint because I do have so much freedom.”

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CLAIM: Ryan Gosling and James Franco “Battling” To Play Oscar Pistorius

Truth rating: 0

12:54 pm, February 27th, 2013



Ryan Gosling and James Franco are “battling” to play Oscar Pistorius in a movie, claims Star.

The tabloid explains that filmmakers are “rushing to chronicle” the story of the Olympic sprinter who allegedly killed girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine’s Day.

“Where there’s a scandal, a movie deal is sure to follow,” explains the magazine.

According to a so-called “studio insider” for Star, “Ryan is the natural choice — he looks just like Oscar! But James already played a dramatic character with a major handicap in 127 Hours.”

“He could easily pull off the role and would definitely make it an award-winning performance,” adds the tab’s source.

Um, we’re not sure which “studio” this “insider” is inside, but as stunning as the Pistorius story is, there’s no actual movie production currently underway.

The alleged murder happened less than two weeks ago — and the shocking narrative is still unfolding.

It seems like Star just picked one salacious news story, two big names, and (bizarrely) used the fact that Franco once played someone who cut off his own hand as a reason to link him to a film about double-amputee Pistorius.

This is nothing more than a tabloid trying to manufacture a celebrity angle to a tragic news story.

Neither Gosling nor Franco is currently “battling” for a Pistorius movie.

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Anna Kendrick Jokes About “Masturbating” To Ryan Gosling In Movie Theater

5:52 pm, January 14th, 2013



It sounds like Anna Kendrick may have, um, contributed to Gangster Squad’s earnings at the box office over the weekend.

On Monday, the Twilight and Pitch Perfect star tweeted an… interesting message about that film’s leading man.

“Ugh – NEVER going to a Ryan Gosling movie in a theater again,” wrote Kendrick, adding, “Apparently masturbating in the back row is still considered ‘inappropriate.’”


While Kendrick was obviously joking, this type of thing seems to be going around.

Last week, JWoww told a national TV audience that she masturbates to The Dark Knight Rises.

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