Truth rating: 10
Ricky Gervais
5:29 pm, May 22nd, 2013
Ricky Gervais has stirred controversy by mocking celebrities and others who offered prayers in the wake of this week’s devastating Oklahoma tornado rather than money.
It began on Tuesday, when the comedian — famously an atheist — retweeted an MTV News message that read: “Beyonce, Rihanna & Katy Perry send prayers to #Oklahoma #PrayForOklahoma,” captioning it, “I feel like an idiot now… I only sent money.”
Gervais followed that up by starting his own hashtag, “You can support #Moore response by txting REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10, or online at #ActuallyDoSomethingForOklahoma.”
The distinction Gervais drew between praying and “actually doing something” predictably drew criticism from some observers, but “The Office” star was undeterred.
On Wednesday he tweeted, “Praying for something but not doing anything to make it happen has the same effect as writing to Santa & not letting mummy read the letter.”
Gervais reiterated that “the best way to help the disaster victims” was through monetary donations.
He added, “I got a lovely message from The Red Cross today thanking me and all my ‘lovely twonks for their overwhelming generosity’ Haha. Well done.”
What do you think about Gervais’ comments on prayers in response to the tornado?
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