Kim Kardashian “Really Worried” About Kendall and Kylie Jenner, Claims Mag

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11:32 am, October 23rd, 2013

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Kim Kardashian is lashing out at Kris Jenner for supposedly turning Kendall and Kylie Jenner into “attention seeking showoffs” who are “getting way too sexy, way too soon,” reports OK!

A so-called “source” tells the tab, “Kim’s really worried about the girls. She feels they are dressing and acting way too sexy for their age and that Kris has set a bad example for them.”

The purported “insider” alleges, “When Kim and her sisters were growing up, Kris sent them the message that they had to be picture-perfect at all times.”

“It’s clear that Kendall and Kylie are dealing with the same pressure but now they have to be beautiful and famous,” says the supposed source, who adds, “Kim thinks it’s setting them up to fail.”


This story is so off-base.

If anyone supports Kendall and Kylie’s modeling and fashion careers, it’s Kardashian.

In fact, the reality star recently posted a close-up video of Kendall in a bikini, telling fans, “Look at this body on my little sister!”

Regardless, a Kardashian family insider tells Gossip Cop the tabloid’s story is “not true.”

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Lamar Odom ‘Demanding $50 Million’ From Khloe Kardashian Or He’ll Spill Secrets?

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1:30 pm, October 16th, 2013


Here we go again.

OK!’s latest cover story claims Lamar Odom is “demanding a staggering $50 million” from Khloe Kardashian — “or else he will expose a range of dark family secrets that could seriously damage the Kardashian brand.”

A so-called “source” tells the magazine, “He’d go on TV, on radio, newspapers and magazines, whatever. His story would be the ultimate window into their world, and he knows it.”

So what “secrets” would Odom supposedly reveal?

The tab’s “insider” says, “There’s so much on Bruce and Kris Jenner, from the truth about cheating rumors to the fly-on-the-wall detail when they were fighting, and the girls’ reactions when the marriage was crumbling.”

“Then there’s everything Khloe’s told him over the years about Kourtney and Kim’s romances, the whole saga of Kim and Reggie [Bush], before she got together with Kanye West.”

OK, if the magazine’s purported “source” knows all about these alleged bombshells already, why doesn’t the tab just publish them in this story?

And if Odom was really threatening to trash-talk the Kardashians, then why did he recently defend them on Twitter, calling the clan “a blessing of a family”?

Obviously, this report is 100% fabricated.

Tabloids run stories like this one every time there’s romantic drama within the Kardashian family.

We’re still anxiously awaiting for Kris Humphries to spill his secrets on the clan, as OK! touted back when he split from Kim in 2011.

Regardless, Gossip Cop checked in with a Kardashian insider, who tells us the tabloid’s latest nonsense is “not true.”

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Kris Jenner Pitching Dating Show For Khloe Kardashian, Claims Tab

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11:01 am, October 2nd, 2013

(Getty Images)

“Her daughter isn’t divorced yet, but Kris Jenner is already has a plan for Khloe Kardashians new life as a single woman,” begins a ridiculous piece from OK!

According to a so-called “source” for the mag, “She’s come up with an idea for a show called ‘Khloe Goes Solo,’ all about her daughter getting back on the dating circuit after the end of her marriage [to Lamar Odom].”

The purported “insider” continues, “Each week Khloe would go on a date with a different guy and — who knows? — by the end of the season, she might have found the man of her dreams!”

OK!’s “source” goes on to allege that Jenner has “already pitched the idea to one TV honcho,” and that she’s “pushing” Kardashian to do the show.

Oh please.

This story is beyond absurd, even by the tabloid’s iffy standards.

Kardashian and Odom are still married, and dating is the last thing on the reality star’s mind at the moment.

In any case, a Kardashian family rep says the story is completely FALSE.

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