Matt Damon Worried He Got HPV From Kissing Michael Douglas, Claims Mag

Truth rating: 0

1:36 pm, June 13th, 2013

(Getty Images)

Matt Damon is “shaken” from Michael Douglas recent revelation that contracting HPV (human papillomavirus) from oral sex caused his throat cancer, reports the National Enquirer.

The supermarket tabloid claims Damon is worried that Douglas could have given him the virus during their kissing scenes in Behind the Candelabra.


A so-called “Tinseltown studio executive” tells the mag, “There’s no delicate way to put it — did Michael’s enthusiastic open-mouthed kisses in their love scenes transmit the HPV virus to Matt?”

“That’s the embarrassing question everyone’s asking!” alleges the purported “insider.”

Everyone”? Really?


In fact, it’s safe to say that absolutely no one is asking that question.

HPV is a sexually transmitted disease — not a kissing disease.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s website, “You CANNOT get HPV from kissing on the mouth.”

The Enquirer is just crassly trying to create drama out of Douglas’ very personal revelation.

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CLAIM: Matt Damon Refusing To Diet For Movie Roles

Truth rating: 0

5:22 pm, June 5th, 2013


“After counting calories for years to stay in action hero shape, Matt Damon has vowed his next screen role will be ‘doughnut friendly,’” begins a piece from the National Enquirer.

Yes, a tree died so that sentence could be printed.

Anyway, a supposed “close family friend” tells the supermarket tabloid, “He’s admitted to pals that he’s sick to death of dieting,” noting, “He says he wants to find a project where he doesn’t have to count every single calorie.”

The purported “insider” alleges, “If he can’t find a project like that, Matt has said he’ll take a break from filming.”

“He’d much rather eat doughnuts and look like all the other dads picking up their kids at karate class,” adds the “friend.”

Yes, Damon is just dying to fit in with “all the other dads.”


A source close to Damon laughed off the tab’s silly tale, telling us it’s completely “not true.”

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Matt Damon and Wife Luciana Renew Wedding Vows in Caribbean

Truth rating: 10

2:17 am, April 14th, 2013


Matt Damon and his wife Luciana Barrroso renewed their wedding vows in the Caribbean on Saturday, Gossip Cop confirms.

The couple exchanged vows in front of approximately 50 guests, including Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, and Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, at St. Lucia’s Sugar Beach Resort, which the actor rented out for the occasion.

Damon and his wife first wed in 2005 in a low-key civil ceremony in New York’s City Hall.

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