Paris Hilton’s LFA Loan, $5603 per month

I was under the impression that Paris Hilton’s LFA was a gift but apparently I ‘m wrong after a quick review of Paris Hilton‘s recently leaked credit report.  If you dive into her credit report you will see a $5603 monthly payment to Toyota Motor Co with an open balance just north of $214K.  So the good story here is that I think she has some positive equity in the car despite the fact that she just had her credit report, SSN, and everything else shared with the entire web.  If you want to know more, google is a thing ;)

paris hilton lfa loan

Posted in Lexus, Lexus LFA, Paris Hilton |

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Ben Baller Gets The Ultimate Hookup From Lexus

Ben Baller posted this photo on Instagram of his new Lexus LFA — sort of. According to his caption, Lexus gave him the $500,000 LFA for his DUB Magazine photo shoot and the second season of his Ben Baller show. We’ve got no idea how the K-town hustler does it but thumbs up to this!  If there was one thing I would like to understand more than how Ben scored this it would be how Ben had a Enzo in his parking spots back in the day when he first popped on my radar. #myspacewasathing

Ben Baller Lexus LFA

Posted in Ben Baller, Lexus, Lexus LFA |

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