Lena Dunham Shares Love Letter She Wrote to Boyfriend Jack Antonoff

Truth rating: 10

6:31 pm, September 30th, 2013

(Getty Images)

Lena Dunham has shared a love letter she wrote to boyfriend Jack Antonoff.

On Monday, as part of artist Miranda July’s “We Think Alone” project, the “Girls” star-creator made public a private email she wrote to the musician in October 2012, while she was on a trip to India.

In the note, Dunham mentions seeing a young couple curled up together on a bench in a garden.

“And I thought of you, like always, and I felt I could spend four days on a bench with you and it wouldn’t be enough time to hear all the stories you have to tell,” writes Dunham. “I literally want to know everything you have ever seen and what you felt like while you were seeing it.”

She adds, “And I will be so much better my whole life for knowing these things.”


See the whole letter below!

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(Miranda July)

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Lena Dunham Enjoyed Girls Spoof on SNL, Calls Parody a “True Honor” — PHOTO

Truth rating: 10

3:19 pm, September 29th, 2013



Lena Dunham was among those who enjoyed the “Saturday Night Live” parody of her HBO show “Girls,” which included the introduction of a new “girl” from Albania named Blerta, played by Tina Fey.

Dunham was caught watching the spoof in a photo taken by her pal Mindy Kaling.

Kaling first tweeted, “Watching @lenadunham enjoy Blerta on #snl’s #girls in my living room,” followed by an Instagram pic (below) with the message, “Original Girl enjoying Blerta on #snl’s Girls at my house @lenadunham.”

For her part, Dunham later tweeted, “The SNL parody of Girls was a true honor.”

“Very excited about the current lineup of SNL ladies. They are funny like whoa,” she added.

New “SNL” cast member Noel Wells played the “Hannah” role in the parody, while Vanessa Bayer was “Shoshanna,” and Cecily Strong spoofed “Marnie.”

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Lena Dunham: I Would Look In Mirror As Kid and Think, “I’m Just So Beautiful”

Truth rating: 10

4:53 pm, August 29th, 2013

(Marie Claire UK)

Lena Dunham opens up to Marie Claire UK about her healthy body image, which the “Girls” star credits to her mom and dad.

“My parents both have really healthy attitudes about their own bodies but also about the range of things that can be beautiful,” Dunham tells the magazine. “But they also just always made me feel pretty and cool and smart, even in the moments when I have known – and still know – that my body wasn’t fitting into a traditional Hollywood idea of the female body.”

The actress-writer-director has long been candid about body issues, telling Playboy earlier this year that she’s glad she doesn’t look like a Victoria’s Secret model.

In Marie Claire UK, she explains the origins of her confidence and comfort with herself.

Dunham says, “This could very easily be taken out of context, and I think it’s funny now, but I remember looking in the mirror as a kid and it would be like for an hour at a time, and I’d be like: ‘I’m just so beautiful. Everybody is so lucky that they get to look at me.’”

“And of course that changes as you get older, but I may have held on to that little-kid feeling that was me alone in my bathroom,” she adds.

What do you think about Dunham’s comments?

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