Girls Do Hamptons in New Season 3 Featurette – WATCH VIDEO

Truth rating: 10

10:28 am, October 19th, 2013



Lena Dunham and the cast of “Girls” give viewers a preview of what’s in store for season three in a new behind-the-scenes featurette.


The preview shows Hannah and Adam in a relationship, Marnie crushed by Charlie, Jessa dealing with her issues and Shoshanna experimenting sexually.

Oh, and the ladies also take their drama to the Hamptons.

“Girls” returns January 12, 2014 on HBO.

Check out the video below!

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Taylor Swift on Approach to Men: “I Think It Needs to Change”

Truth rating: 10

2:09 pm, October 10th, 2013


Taylor Swift opens up about her dating life in the November issue of InStyle, telling the magazine that she thinks she “needs to change” what she looks for in a man.

“My friends tease me about the fact that if someone seems bad or shady or like they have a secret, I find them incredibly interesting,” she explains, admitting that it might be time to “sit it out for a while” while she reassesses her approach.

Swift is quoted as saying, “That’s just a phase I’ve been in lately. I don’t think this should be how I proceed in life. It’s important to be self-aware about these things because you don’t want to end up with that guy.”

The singer says she hasn’t been in a relationship “in a long time.”

“I’d like to think if you’re with the right person, you just feel great about things you’ve never felt great about before,” Swift tells the magazine. “At least that’s how I’ve heard it’s supposed to be. I wouldn’t know.”

As for Ed Sheeran, with whom she’s been frequently — and wrongly — linked romantically, Swift says they are “such good friends.”

“I have never had such a close guy friend before,” says Swift. “It’s always kind of creepy because with a guy friend-girl friend situation, it usually feels like one person always wants ore. That’s not the case here.”

She says that she tells potential platonic pals: “If you want to be friends with me, just know people are going to say we’re dating.”

Swift also opens up about another new friend of hers: Lena Dunham, whom she first got to know through Twitter.

“We follow each other, and she sent me a direct message, and it just became a mutual admiration society,” recalls the singer.

She explains, “It then became apparent that we were very similar. Very similar. I feel like I can tell her anything.”

Swift appreciates Dunham’s “open mind,” and tells the magazine that if she were to make a mistake, the “Girls” star is “the one I would tell.”

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CLAIM: Lena Dunham a “Diva” Who’s Gone “Out of Control” on Girls Set

Truth rating: 0

5:57 pm, October 3rd, 2013

(Getty Images)

Lena Dunham has “turned into a huge diva” and is “out of control!” declares the National Enquirer.

According to the tabloid, the “Girls” star-creator’s “sudden success has gone straight to her head — and she’s become a demanding control freak on the set of her popular cable series.”

A “source” for the Enquirer alleges that Dunham forces assistants to “hand-feed” her lunch, among other outrageous tasks.

“On top of that, Lena has someone read all three of the New York daily newspapers every day and write up a synopsis so that she can always be up on current affairs,” explains the magazine’s supposed insider.


Of course, the Enquirer seems to think that everyone is an on-set diva, so Dunham is in good company.

Unfortunately, none of the report is true.

The star herself laughed off the story on Instagram, joking, ”My mom was def the source on this National Enquirer piece.”

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