Truth rating: 10
Jessica Alba
3:24 pm, September 23rd, 2013
Jessica Alba opens up good living and body issues in the October issue of Health.
“I was a lot more critical of my body when it was probably pretty awesome,” the actress and entrepreneur tells the magazine. “It’s like, why did I not ever wear jean shorts? That’s so crazy. I was so skinny! I didn’t have any cellulite… what was I thinking?!”
She says, “I was more willing to wear short skirts after I had my kids. I never wore them before. Ever. I was so self-conscious. But I remember I was 28 or 29, at an MTV award thing, and my girlfriend Kelly was like, ‘You should wear a short skirt, because you are not going to be this age forever.’”
“Now I’m a lot more confident in my skin — because who cares? At the end of the day, it’s so much time spent on something that really doesn’t matter that much,” explains Alba.
So how does the star stay healthy these days?
Alba advises, “Read labels on everything: what you’re cleaning your house with, what you’re cleaning yourself with and what you’re putting in your body. You have the power to not expose your kids or yourself to chemicals that are endocrine disruptors or allergens. You don’t need to live that way.”
As for diet, she says, “To me, it’s knowing that if you eat unprocessed fresh food — it doesn’t all have to be organic, but try to have the least amount of GMOs [genetically modified organisms] and pesticides — you have energy, aren’t starving and don’t have to count calories.”
Alba did have some help regaining her shape after the birth of her younger daughter — she wore a corset, and says she would again.
“Of course. Who wouldn’t!” she says. “Your muscles are completely stretched. It gets the muscle memory going quicker. It’s just to get your body back. Because everything is everywhere!”
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