Jenny McCarthy: Bachelorette Rejected Me
Truth rating: 10
Jenny McCarthy The Bachelorette
10:21 am, January 15th, 2014

(ABC/Getty Images)
Jenny McCarthy was rejected by “The Bachelorette.”
“The View” host has revealed that she wanted to find love on the popular dating show back in 2005, only to be denied.
Barbara Walters broached the topic on Tuesday’s show, saying to McCarthy, “You tried out to be a ‘Bachelorette’ and you did not make it!”
“No one knows that!” replied McCarthy.
She explained that after her divorce, she was “lonely” and “needed to be loved.”
“I did this show called Singled Out on MTV back in the day, so I knew that if I thought it would be great because I was single and I love TV, so put those together and brilliant,” McCarthy continued.
The star recalled, “So I got my agent to call ABC and say I wanted to be the new ‘Bachelorette’ and they said, ‘No we’re not using celebrities at this time.’ That was 10 years ago.”
And that was that.
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