Bradley Cooper, Jon Hamm, Blake Shelton Among Esquire “Life of Man” Stars (PICS)

6:03 pm, September 10th, 2013



To mark its 80th anniversary, Esquire has assembled men ranging from 1 to 80 years old to create a “living portrait of the American man.”

“The Life of Man” series features kids, politicians, athletes — and a number of Hollywood stars.

Jon Hamm, Bradley Cooper, Michael Douglas, Josh Hutcherson, Robert Redford, Blake Shelton, and Robin Williams are among the participants to offer bits of wisdom and reflection.

Check out some of the Esquire gallery highlights below, and find the rest here!

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  1. 1.Jon Hamm, 42 Jon Hamm, 42 BEST DAY SO FAR: “I remember coming out to California after college, by myself, in a 1986 Toyota Corolla. I was driving into L. A. for the first time, and it was a beautiful day, everything that southern California’s supposed to be, and I remember thinking: I finally made it to California.” PROUDEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: “I can remember being very proud upon finishing the pilot of Mad Men. Granted, acting is not the hardest thing in the world – it’s not like I’m a lead miner – but you can still have a pretty healthy sense of accomplishment when you get something done against all odds.”
  2. 2.Chris Colfer, 23 Chris Colfer, 23 MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO: “It really sucks to be in your younger twenties. There’s just no respect, you know? So I’m looking forward to being older—like, in my sixties or seventies. I want to get to that age where I can be the crazy old guy in the corner. I’m going to thrive in that period of my life.” BEST ADVICE HE’S GOTTEN: “The best advice anybody has ever given me was probably from my grandmother. And it was a Latin phrase: ‘Illegitimi non carborundum,’ which means, ‘Don’t let the bastards get you down.’”
  3. 3.Robin Williams, 62 Robin Williams, 62 BEST ADVICE HE’S GOTTEN: “It was by Bette Davis. We were doing Laugh-In, and she got the whole cast together and said, ‘Just learn to say no.’ I thought, Wow, pretty interesting, because she was doing Laugh-In.” MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO: “Grandchildren. I can’t wait to see how my son does as a father. Revenge will be mine!”
  4. 4.Aziz Ansari, 30 Aziz Ansari, 30 PROUDEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: “The first time I did stand-up at Carnegie Hall. At that point I had been doing stand-up in New York maybe nine or ten years, and going from, like, crappy open-mic stuff to playing a sold-out show in Carnegie Hall definitely felt like I did something.” BEST DAY SO FAR: “Any day where I’m in New York, spending time with people I care about and working on things I’m really proud of.”
  5. 5.Blake Shelton, 37 Blake Shelton, 37 MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO: “November. It’s my favorite month of the year. Because I like it when shit dies.” BEST ADVICE HE’S GOTTEN: “Was from my father. And it was simply, ‘Be patient.’”
  6. 6.Josh Hutcherson, 21 Josh Hutcherson, 21 BEST ADVICE HE’S GOTTEN: “It came through somebody else from Tom Hanks: ‘Fame doesn’t change you; it just magnifies whoever you are.’ And through my many years of experience, I have definitely seen that. Great people become even more great; people who are bad become even worse.” MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO: “Having a family.”
  7. 7.Robert Redford, 77 Robert Redford, 77 MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO: “Continuing: That would make me happy.” BEST ADVICE HE’S GOTTEN: “Pay attention.”
  8. 8.Seth Meyers, 40 Seth Meyers, 40 PROUDEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: “I’m most proud of the company I keep. I’m very lucky to have been able to work with some really funny people over the years.” BEST DAY SO FAR: “Probably the night I did the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.”
  9. 9.Michael Douglas, 69 Michael Douglas, 69 BEST ADVICE HE’S GOTTEN: “When you are sick, enjoy it. Because there is nothing else you can do.” MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO: “A world free of nuclear weapons.”
  10. 10.Bradley Cooper, 38 Bradley Cooper, 38 BEST ADVICE HE’S GOTTEN: “I’ve been given a lot of advice. Great advice. But recently, it was a friend of mine who was quoting another friend of his who had given him this advice, talking about relationships. But I can’t say what the advice is. But it was good.” MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO: “I’m most looking forward to each day as it comes, really.”
  11. 11.Woody Harrelson, 52 Woody Harrelson, 52 PROUDEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: “Without question, my kids. Not that I worked that hard in the early stages—a couple of grunts and a nap. I should have never said that. Oh, fuck. Yeah. My kids.” BEST DAY SO FAR: “The day I met my wife Laura, which was on the set of Cheers. This media workshop from UCLA came by, and she was a part of it. This was the one time in eight years that we went and talked to them–Teddy [Danson] first, and then I talked a little while. I asked if anybody had secretarial skills, and she raised her hand. Before you knew it we were having a long talk, and she became my assistant. And after three years of that I gave her a raise.”
  12. 12.Aaron Paul, 34 Aaron Paul, 34 BEST ADVICE HE’S GOTTEN: “Simple: Be kind and don’t be a d-bag.” MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO: “Life with my new wife, and maybe having some kids running around in the world.”
  13. 13.Jason Derulo, 24 Jason Derulo, 24 PROUDEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: “Completing my third album during the recovery process after I broke my neck.” BEST DAY SO FAR: “The two best days of my life so far were when my two nieces were born.”
  14. 14.Angus T. Jones, 20 Angus T. Jones, 20 BEST DAY SO FAR: “Right now. The moment I’m actually living in. Because I can make decisions that alter where I’m going in the future, and I can have interesting memories to remember when I get there.” PROUDEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: “My family rocks. The pride comes in when I get to introduce them to people.”

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Russell Brand Says He “Loved” Marriage, Katy Perry Is A “Lovely, Beautiful Person”

7:43 pm, June 6th, 2013

(Esquire UK)

Russell Brand doesn’t seem to have many hard feelings over his divorce from Katy Perry.

In the July issue of Esquire UK, the Brit opens about their marriage, and his current views on settling down.

“I tried it and I loved it,” Brand says of being married, before going on to call Perry “a lovely beautiful person.”

He notes, “It’s just hard, isn’t it? She’s got a lot of options, I’ve got a lot of options, so you’ve got to really, really want it.”

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“Some of it’s the fame, but I think getting married is… you’ve got a whole other person that you’ve got to make as important as you,” he explains.

So, does Brand “really want” love right now?

Not quite.

“I’ve given over too much of my life to its pursuit. And I’ve probably harmed other people, by being selfish,” reflects Brand.

“And really, I’d like to be married. I’m just not transmitting that frequency of ‘Soulmate! Soulmate!’” says the yoga lover before joking, ”I’m transmitting the frequency of ‘Mmm!’”

PHOTOS – Russell Brand’s Most Outrageous Quotes

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Ashton Kutcher Tells Esquire: Some Of My Movies “F**king Suck Donkey”

8:13 pm, February 14th, 2013


Ashton Kutcher has no problem acknowledging that some of his films are far from the greatest movies ever made.

“I know exactly what films I’ve done that f**king suck donkey,” the actor admits in the March issue of Esquire. “And I know the ones that are good, that people like.”

Kutcher explains that he knows “it not because of the box office, because the box office is not going to tell you the truth,” but because he has “friends that don’t hold back.”

“They don’t depend on me for money or employment. They’re just friends,” he says. ”Friends tell the truth. ”

The “Two and a Half Men” star continues, “I know who these people are in my life. Partners, friends, coworkers. You have a movie and you show it to them, and if it sucks you want them to be like, ‘Dude, that kind of blows.’”

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While Kutcher doesn’t name names, it’s clear he has lofty expectations for his film jOBS, about late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, saying, “I think it turned out really well,”

“Jobs was an extraordinary guy, but a very ordinary guy in many ways,” he tells the magazine, going on quote one of Jobs’ speeches, where he said, “‘So when you grow up, if you spend your life trying not to bounce into walls, just inheriting what you get, you gotta know your life can be a lot broader than that. Once you realize one simple thing: Everything around you that you call life was made by people who are no smarter than you. And you can change it. You can influence it. You can build your own things that other people can use.’”

Kutcher tells Esquire, ”And I heard that and I knew exactly what the niche for making that movie was, what the social need for making the movie was.”

“For people seeking purpose. I remember growing up and looking at the world and going, Okay, how do I live in this? Instead of How do I create it? How do I build it? How do I make something?” he says. “And the empowerment of these ideas, I think they make an important story.”

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