For Sale: Dennis Rodman’s Hideous Hummer

Any takers? Nope? Didn’t think so. Unless you’re swimming in cash and a huge Rodman fan, we’re guessing this Hummer probably isn’t on most peoples must have list. Dennis Rodman’s custom painted 1996 H1 Hummer is listed on eBay with a buy it now price set at $55,500. See this full listing and more photos here.


Dennis Rodman Hummer Dennis Rodman H1 Hummer

Posted in Dennis Rodman, For Sale, Hummer |

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Dennis Rodman Enters Rehab for Alcohol

Truth rating: 10

11:01 am, January 19th, 2014

(Getty Images)

(Getty Images)

Dennis Rodman is in rehab.

On Saturday, the former NBA star’s agent confirmed that he is seeking help for his years-long battle with alcoholism.

Rodman’s treatment comes more than a week after his controversial trip to North Korea, where he defended his friendship with dictator Kim Jong-Un and exploded during a CNN interview.

The athlete later blamed his outburst on drinking.

“What was potentially a historic and monumental event turned into a nightmare for everyone concerned,” agent Darren Prince told the Associated Press.

He continued, “Dennis Rodman came back from North Korea in pretty rough shape emotionally. The pressure that was put on him to be a combination ‘super human’ political figure and ‘fixer’ got the better of him.”

“He is embarrassed, saddened and remorseful for the anger and hurt his words have caused,” added Prince.

Rodman previously went to rehab for his alcohol addiction in 2008 and suffered a relapse in 2009.

VIDEO – Rodman Sings ‘Happy Birthday’ to Kim Jong-Un – SEE HERE

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Dennis Rodman Flips Out On CNN’s Chris Cuomo: “I Don’t Give a Rat’s A** What The Hell You Think!” (VIDEO)

Truth rating: 10

12:28 pm, January 7th, 2014




Dennis Rodman completely flipped out on CNN “New Day” host Chris Cuomo during an interview from North Korea on Tuesday.

The former basketball star was set off when Cuomo asked him whether he was going to use his influence on dictator Kim Jong-Un to help free U.S. citizen Kenneth Bae, who has been detained in the country for more than a year without any official charges.


Speaking from Pyongyang, North Korea, Rodman fired back at the anchor, “Kenneth Bae did one thing… Do you understand what he did in this country? No, no, no, you tell me, you tell me.”

When Cuomo tried to respond to the athlete, Rodman shouted, “I don’t give a rat’s a** what the hell you think!”

The former Chicago Bulls star, who has become a close friend of Kim Jong-Un, is in the country with some fellow NBA alums to play a basketball game for the controversial leader’s 31st birthday celebration.

Check out the video below, and tell us what you think.

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