Tori Spelling Blasts Star For “Emotionally Scarring” Her Kids With False Divorce Story

Truth rating: 10

9:33 pm, February 28th, 2013


Tori Spelling is blasting Star magazine in an open letter, criticizing the tabloid for its grossly sensational and completely false cover this week, which wrongly claims she and husband Dean McDermott are in a “$300 million divorce.”

Acknowledging that she can usually move on from the usual tabloid drivel printed about her, Spelling writes, “Yes, the story will pass but what won’t pass is what happened in a local supermarket check out line.”

The “90210″ alum goes on to recount the awful experience of 5-year-old son Liam spotting the cover, which asks, “Who will get the kids?,” and becoming “terrified.”

“By the time he was fastening himself into his car seat he was asking, ’Why is someone getting us?? Where are you and Dad going?’ He was anxiously biting his lower lip and his big blue eyes were filled with tears,” recalls Spelling.

RELATED – Star Claim: Tori Spelling’s Emergency Surgery Was Really “Secret Tummy Tuck”

She continues, ”My heart sank. How would I explain to my children that what these 3 writers who have never even met us but who claim to know the ins and outs of our relationship and have proudly put their names on this article are flat out writing lies.”

“I’ve built up a pretty thick skin to the lies and trash talking at this point. But my children are another story. Keep them out of it! I wonder if any of those 3 writers have children?” wonders Spelling.

“How would they feel if their child had to read something so hurtful and confusing as what mine had to read?” asks the actress. “How do they sleep at night knowing they’ve potentially emotionally scarred and if nothing else terrified innocent children.”

Alluding to the grossly inaccurate allegations made against McDermott in the cover story, Spelling adds, “Again, you want to make inaccurate low blows at someone Star? Go for me! I can handle it. I always have.”

“But don’t do it to a man that has done nothing but loved me and our children. He has stood by me during the good times and held my hand through the darkest moments of my life,” she continues. ”I’m so blessed to have him as my partner in life and love and he is the best father to our four children.”

Check out Spelling’s FULL letter below!

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Here are the two things you learn quickly in the public eye when media publications are “reporting a story” about your life… That some publications are more reputable than others and they fact check their stories, and then one writes whatever story they want and repeatedly use the generic word “sources” to add an air of legitimacy. The second is that most publicists will tell their clients “no comment. This will pass”. And it usually does. Then, the next week the tabloid is telling lies about another celebrity. Well, my publicists are as good as you can get and they aren’t just business associates, I consider them close friends. But this time I had to comment because this time I’m answering not as a celebrity but as a mom. 

At this point you might be wondering what I’m referring to while others have already seen the hateful story on the cover of this weeks Star magazine claiming that Dean and I are divorcing and many more horrible claims against my husband. Yes, the story will pass but what won’t pass is what happened in a local supermarket check out line.

My son Liam is turning 6 in a couple weeks. His proudest achievement so far in his young life is that he is learning to read. Until now, when that pride turned to sorrow thanks to Star magazine. He first spotted me on the cover, then Dad, and then a picture of himself and his 3 younger siblings. He was able to read two things out loud, the word DIVORCE (which he proudly sounded out) and the caption above his picture which read “Who will get the kids?” He became terrified. I had to hurry him and his confused 4-year-old sister Stella out of the grocery store and into our car. By the time he was fastening himself into his car seat he was asking, ”Why is someone getting us?? Where are you and Dad going?” He was anxiously biting his lower lip and his big blue eyes were filled with tears. My heart sank. How would I explain to my children that what these 3 writers who have never even met us but who claim to know the ins and outs of our relationship and have proudly put their names on this article are flat out writing lies?

I’ve always had shots taken at me. It’s been almost 24 years since I became a public figure starting at age 16 with 90210. It’s the downside to this business but I’ve built up a pretty thick skin to the lies and trash talking at this point. But my children are another story. Keep them out of it! I wonder if any of those 3 writers have children? How would they feel if their child had to read something so hurtful and confusing as what mine had to read? How do they sleep at night knowing they’ve potentially emotionally scarred and if nothing else terrified innocent children.  

Driving home I repeatedly told my children, “That magazine doesn’t know us. Daddy and I are very happy and in love. There will be no divorce and all of us will remain together as a family”. Stella, my literal one, just kept saying ”But then why is it on the magazine? Magazines are true.” I wish that were always the case. 

I’m lucky my two oldest are only 5 and 4 and couldn’t read the fine details of the article where horrific claims were made against my husband, their Dad.

Again, you want to make inaccurate low blows at someone Star? Go for me! I can handle it. I always have. But don’t do it to a man that has done nothing but loved me and our children. He has stood by me during the good times and held my hand through the darkest moments of my life.  I’m so blessed to have him as my partner in life and love and he is the best father to our four children.  I’m aware that all that matters is that we know our truth.  It’s just sad that our actual happiness would probably be deemed boring to Star Magazine. What kind of society have we become where love stories and fairytales are dead? That others’ failure is what people crave and what sells? That’s not the world I want my children growing up in. But I digress.

What is the outcome of this story? Easy…  Next week they’ll be reporting about some other couple splitting or someone having a breakdown and this will  ”have passed”.  And, Dean and I will continue to love each other and our babies and be grateful for the lives we have. I know that. But, our children should never have to bear witness to lies and fabrications that affect their lives so that a media outlet can make money. That will always be wrong!

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MAG: Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott Headed For “$300 Million Divorce!”

Truth rating: 0

10:23 am, February 27th, 2013


Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott are headed for a “$300 million divorce!” blares the cover of Star, which claims the “90210″ alum has caught her husband “with other women.”

According to a so-called “insider” for the tabloid, “Tori believes Dean has been seeing two different women for years. She’s so suspicious, she monitors his email and put a tracker on his phone.”

The supposed “source” says, “She’s even had a private investigator follow him” who’s allegedly discovered that McDermott has “some suspicious relationships with other women.”

Um… how would Star even know this? Has the mag hired a P.I. to follow Spelling’s P.I.?

Anyhow, the tabloid claims that Spelling “confronted Dean about his indiscretions,” quoting the purported insider as saying, “She tried to demand answers, but he denied everything.”

The spy further alleges that McDermott tells his wife “she looks fat,” quoting McDermott’s “former best friend,” Michael Olifiers, as saying, “Dean always jokes that Tori has a horse face. He doesn’t find her attractive!”

How does a former pal know what McDermott always does?

Still, despite supposedly not being attracted to his wife, McDermott constantly badgers her for sex, claims the mag.

“They argue about sex all the time — he can’t get enough!” notes the “source,” who adds that Spelling “even tries to justify his cheating with the sex-addict line.”

Whoa, this “insider” is very familiar with the couple sex life as well as the inner-workings of Spelling’s mind.

Regardless, another so-called “source” for the mag says, “Dean is moving out for good,” claiming, “He’s been studying Tori’s and [her mom] Candy [Spelling’s] finances for months and says he will use the kids as leverage to get big money.”

What makes the mag think McDermott would have any right to Spelling’s mother’s fortune? That makes no sense.

Also, Star previously reported that the couple had separated at least four different times since 2010, and yet the pair continues to stay together and expand their family.

Still, Gossip Cop checked in with a rep for Spelling, who tells us it is completely “not true” that she and McDermott are having marriage problems.

And a family insider assures us that this supposed pal of McDermott, Michael Olifiers, is “definitely not a friend.”

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