Chelsea Handler Ordered To “Stop Picking On Angelina Jolie”?

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12:38 pm, October 16th, 2013

(Getty Images)

Chelsea Handlers TV bosses have told her to stop picking on Angelina Jolie — or there will be big trouble!” begins a sensationalized report from the National Enquirer.

The mag claims the comedienne’s jokes are not sitting well with Jolie’s “high-powered showbiz allies at Comcast, which oversees both Universal studios and Hanlder’s ‘Chelsea Lately’ show on the E! Network.”

According to a so-called “source” for the tabloid, “Angelina has a lot of support at the top and they’re dying to lock her into a long-term contract.”

Umm… what kind of “contract”?

The Enquirer doesn’t know.

Still, the rag’s purported “insider” adds, “They don’t like the fact that Chelsea has really been saying some horrible things about her.”

The magazine goes on to claim that Universal executives “read her the riot act,” and “banned Handler from spewing any more anti-Jolie gags.”



None of this ever happened.

This rumor has been circulating for years, and yet Handler continues to riff on Jolie whenever she feels like it.

In any case, Gossip Cop checked in with a “Chelsea Lately” source, who tells us, “This is absolutely not true.”

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Angelina Jolie Addicted to Tanning Bed?

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2:02 pm, September 18th, 2013

(Getty Images)

Is Angelina Jolie going to be the new Tan Mom?

“Angelina loves the feeling of a tanning bed and getting UV rays, but she’s terrified of skin cancer,” reports a Star source. “So she lathers on SPF 30 sunscreen before getting in her bed.”


The magazine’s insider notes, “Brad [Pitt] thinks it’s hilarious — he says there’s no point in using the bed if she is going to put sunscreen on to slow the tan. His newest nickname for her is Tangelina.”

Star explains that Jolie thinks her routine “helps prepare her skin for the sun in Australia, where she’s directing Unbroken.”

“She wants her skin to be adjusted in order to prevent burning. She’s convinced the tanning bed and SPF combo gives her a glow without the tan,” says the insider for Star, which describes Jolie as having a “weird tan addiction.”


Just… stop.

Angelina Jolie is NOT addicted to tanning, or tanning and SPF-ing, or whatever it is Star is trying to say.

In the past month alone, the same publication has falsely alleged she had a hotel “sex romp” to annoy Jennifer Aniston, and is feuding with Pitt over Scientology.

Star has NO CLUE what’s going on with Jolie, and this latest bizarre “addiction” story is just more of the same tabloid trash.

A source close to the situation tells Gossip Cop there is “no truth” to the tanning report.

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Angelina Jolie “Risking Her Life For Another Baby,” Claims Shameless Mag

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2:31 pm, September 17th, 2013

(In Touch)

Angelina Jolie allegedly fears she’s going to die within the next three years, says one tabloid, and now another gossip rag claims the actress-director is “risking her life” to have another baby.

In Touch, recently seen falsely claiming that Jolie was cheating on Brad Pitt with Billy Bob Thornton, reports that she has chosen “to get pregnant again instead of having the final surgery that could save her life.”

The cover story alleges that Jolie’s “love for her ever-growing family knows no bounds — but now that devotion could be putting her life in danger.”

How so?

The tab explains that following Jolie’s preventive double mastectomy earlier this year, she needs “another operation to remove her reproductive organs to further reduce her cancer risk,” but that she’s “delaying” the surgery because she wants another baby with Pitt.

“I think in the next few years she will have more kids — that’s why she’s waiting to have her ovaries done,” says a “family friend” named Marie Miles.

She then tells the magazine, “But I hope she doesn’t wait to get the surgery. That just scares me. I want her to be well, especially with those little ones.”

In Touch then talks to a doctor — who’s never treated Jolie — about the general risks associated with ovarian cancer.

A so-called “insider” informs the magazine that Pitt’s concerned for Jolie’s health and that he “doesn’t want to lose the woman he loves more than anything.”

Wow, impressive insight.

In Touch is the type of outlet that has “sources” who know that Brad Pitt wants Angelina Jolie to stay alive, but also feed the mag bogus drivel about her supposedly hating her engagement ring and allegedly not wanting to marry Pitt.

The tabloid has no inside information whatsoever on Jolie’s thought process, her pregnancy plans, or the decisions she makes regarding her health.

This cover story takes the months-old news about Jolie taking preventive measures against cancer, and blows it up into an alarmist and sensationalist frenzy that questions her personal choices and raises fears about her family’s future.

It’s based on absolutely nothing.

A source close to the situation tells Gossip Cop the report is “pure fiction.”

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