Parvati Shallow Breaks Down ‘Survivor: Worlds Apart’: Snickers, Chickens and Fake Idols

April 15, 2015 9:00pm PT by Parvati Shallow

 The season 30 theme is white collar vs. blue collar vs. no collar.  

The season 30 theme is white collar vs. blue collar vs. no collar.

Parvati Shallow is a Survivor champ and three-time competitor on the show. The OG Miss Survivor and Survivor Hall of Famer now covers health and wellness for CBS News in New York City. Find her on Twitter @parvatishallow.

You know an episode is going to be good when it starts out with a sloth crawling around in the dark. At least that’s what I’m telling myself at the start of the show.

What I’m loving about this season is that we have a group of scrappy no collar underdogs (including Shirin) who are willing to go all out and make people crazy. No one is making people more crazy than Shirin. She’s been the epicenter of everyone’s complaints, and now that she helped send her friend Hali home in the last episode, she’s down in numbers. Shirin wants to shake things up. I know this girl is smart—she’s a big wig at Yahoo. So, let’s see what she can do when she sets those big old brain wheels in motion. 

Right away, Shirin approaches the big dog, Mike and says she wants to play for his team. Will Mike take the bait?? Only time will tell.

Read more ‘Survivor’ Castaway Says Competing on Show Is Harder Than Working at CAA, Playing in NFL

Right now we have to get to a reward challenge that’s perhaps the most hilarious event I’ve seen all season. The contestants are competing for a reward that is quite possibly the worst ploy for sponsorship I’ve ever seen in my life: Snickers, Dove, Kit Kat, M&M’s… and whatever other labeled chocolate treat production can throw in a jar to attract the eye of high rolling sponsor. This time, Mike does take the bait. He’s a one-line pony, spouting off soundbites about Snickers bars that would make any marketing executive drool. Well done, Mike.

While Mike and the rest of the winners are out on their reward, Rodney is back at camp playing King of the World. I gotta hand it to Rodney here, he’s doing a pretty good job keeping his court in line. And, the impressions of Mike and Dan are so funny and spot on, that—I have to admit—the Boston bro is actually growing on me. As Rodney grows in popularity, I wonder if we’re gearing up for a Mike/Rodney showdown sometime soon. Wouldn’t that be fun?

Something fun needs to happen fast in order to cheer Jenn up. I miss our free-spirited, happy go-lucky girl. Since losing Hali, Jenn has also lost her will to go on in this game, and I don’t like seeing our little sailor looking so down in the dumps. Can someone cheer her up for me please?

Read more ‘Survivor: Worlds Apart’ Castaways Revealed

Apparently not. Rodney and Joe decide it’s time to kill one of “Jenn’s chickens” for dinner, which only strengthens her resolve to leave the game. But, she won’t leave the game without making as much of a ruckus as she can. She pulls Joe aside before the Immunity Challenge and lets him know that she’ll give him the necklace if she wins. This is good news for Joe, because everyone is so terrified of him that he’s always the next to go if he doesn’t win immunity. Now he has a little bit of backup.

Jenn’s no slouch in these endurance challenges either. As her tribemates drop like flies, Jenn stands stoic and unmoved. It’s down to Jenn and Tyler at the end. Everyone watching the show right now is pulling for Jenn to win this. We all want to see Joe get through another day in the game. He’s just so lovable, and he’s getting more and more handsome as the days go by. Are you with me?

It looks like Jenn’s got this in the bag! I’m psyched. And then…

Read more ‘Survivor: Worlds Apart’: Meet the Season 30 Castaways

Jenn drops. Once again, I’m crushed. How could this be?? And, how will Joe save himself now?!

All looks hopeless. But, remember people—it’s not over until your torch is snuffed.

And, Joe has made himself a fake idol that rivals all others! Who would have thought that his skills as an artisanal jewel-smith would be such a valuable asset to his game-play?

The only problem with Joe’s plan is that he approaches Mike (who’s holding onto the real idol) with his fake idol. Joe’s desperate now, and he’s working the leader big time. He knows that Mike is his number one threat and also maybe the only guy with enough power to save him right now. Unfortunately, Mike is pretty savvy when it comes to Survivor and he wants Joe to present him with the idol right away. Joe says he’ll give Mike the idol at tribal if Mike changes his vote.

Mike sort of agrees, a little bit. I’m hopeful. The idol looks authentic. This could work.

Read more Parvati Shallow Breaks Down ‘Survivor: Worlds Apart’: Two Tribal Councils, One Blindside and a Major Shake-Up

We get to tribal and cross our fingers that Joe catches a break tonight. Jenn wants to go home. She’s practically begging everyone to vote her out. But, Jenn’s no threat now and people want to keep her around because of that.

Joe palms Mike the idol and Mike instantly tries to get verification from Probst that it’s the real deal. No way Jeff is going to let this moment pass; he quickly improvises that he can’t tell Mike until the idol is played. It’s perfect.

Now, we really don’t know what’s going on. And, when everyone votes, they all say as much.

After the vote, Mike plays Joe’s idol and learns that Joe tried to play him for a fool. Mikey don’t liiiike that.

And, Joe gets voted out. Boooooooo.

Who are we all going to root for now??

Tweet me @parvatishallow with questions or comments.

Parvati Shallow

Parvati Shallow

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Parvati Shallow Breaks Down ‘Survivor: Worlds Apart’: Won’t These Two Fools Shut Up Already?!

April 08, 2015 9:00pm PT by Parvati Shallow

 The season 30 theme is white collar vs. blue collar vs. no collar.  

The season 30 theme is white collar vs. blue collar vs. no collar.

Parvati Shallow is a Survivor champ and three-time competitor on the show. The OG Miss Survivor and Survivor Hall of Famer now covers health and wellness for CBS News in New York City. Find her on Twitter @parvatishallow.

This episode of Survivor: Worlds Apart was an emotional rollercoaster for me. Let’s go for the ride together.

First, there’s irritation that Rodney and Dan are still allowed to talk. These guys have proven over the course of the season that when they speak they alienate people and make themselves look like self-important, pompous fools.

Now, if I were out on that island with these two goons, there would be a mandate of silence for Dan and Rodney, specifically designed to save my tribe mates from their ignorant bullying. 

But, since I’m simply an audience member watching the action unfold from the comfort of my own home, I can’t make Rodney and Dan shut up. And, for that, I apologize.

Read more ‘Survivor’ Castaway Says Competing on Show Is Harder Than Working at CAA, Playing in NFL

This episode of Survivor: Worlds Apart was an emotional rollercoaster for me. Let’s go for the ride together.

First, there’s irritation that Rodney and Dan are still allowed to talk. These guys have proven over the course of the season that when they speak they alienate people and make themselves look like self-important, pompous fools.

Now, if I were out on that island with these two goons, there would be a mandate of silence for Dan and Rodney, specifically designed to save my tribe mates from their ignorant bullying. 

But, since I’m simply an audience member watching the action unfold from the comfort of my own home, I can’t make Rodney and Dan shut up. And, for that, I apologize.

Read more ‘Survivor: Worlds Apart’ Castaways Revealed

Third, watching Joe take home the reward is awe-inspiring. He’s on a hot streak and no one can compete with this guy! No one, that is, except for Big Mike, who comes out with the Big Guns this episode. No — I’m not talking about his bulging Texan biceps, I’m talking about the way he covertly chases around Joe and Tyler when they are talking idol clues. Mike has no shame in his game. He wants this so badly that he’s willing to hide behind bushes and shimmy up trees, braving splinters and shedding a few tears on his idol hunt. When he finally finds his treasure, his emotions are palpable. He’s so inspired by his own dedication that he brings himself to tears. I love this display of emotion and vulnerability from a man. Color me smitten.

Mike is the second-biggest threat in the game right now. Finding the idol is a massive coup for him, especially since he led everyone else to believe that Joe has it. Mike has already proven to be a solid gamer, but with an idol in his pocket, he’s got a little protection and a lot more power.

You’d think that with his newfound power, Mike could make us all happy and vote out Dan.

Read more ‘Survivor: Worlds Apart’: Meet the Season 30 Castaways

But, Mike is incentivized to keep the big blue-collar bully in the game, so it looks like the work of banding together to vote out Dan will fall on the girls’ shoulders. In a scene on the beach before tribal it looks like my prayers will be answered. Sierra, Hali, Shirin and Jenn are all lounging and talking about Dan’s horrible communication skills. It appears the girls are all on the same page to vote him out, and they know they can count on Joe to join them. That means all they need is one more vote. Shirin approaches Tyler, telling him he’s a threat to the others. It looks like Tyler’s in! Whoa, is this really happening? Did I will this to be?

Excitement. Exhilaration.

Read more Parvati Shallow Breaks Down ‘Survivor: Worlds Apart’: Two Tribal Councils, One Blindside and a Major Shake-Up

At tribal council, Hali makes a comment about how there would be no Merica without the colonists turning on good old Great Britain. It looks like this is for real.

This is happening. Dan is going home!

Jeff reads the votes. Dan. Hali. Hali. Dan … edge of my seat.

Eighth person voted out of Survivor: Worlds Apart … Hali.



Tweet me @parvatishallow with questions or comments.

Parvati Shallow

Parvati Shallow

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Parvati Shallow Breaks Down ‘Survivor: Worlds Apart’: ‘Merica — Red, White, Missing a Blue

18 Castaways

Parvati Shallow is a Survivor champ and three-time competitor on the show. The OG Miss Survivor and Survivor Hall of Famer now covers health and wellness for CBS News in New York City. Find her on Twitter @parvatishallow.

It’s a massive day for Survivor. Massive. Today, my friends, we merge. It’s no longer blue collar vs no collar vs white collar—it’s now every man for himself. And I am excited!!

Read more ‘Survivor’ Castaway Says Competing on Show Is Harder Than Working at CAA, Playing in NFL

But before we merge tribes, let’s check in with Rodney, who lost his boyfriend Joaquin last week. Rodney was completely blindsided and feels like a fool. It’s not fun to be on the wrong side of a blindside. Now he knows what Sierra felt like when she lost her twinnie. Just like last time, Mike’s on damage control. Mike has positioned himself as the Papa Bear for the blue collars. He takes it upon himself to explain to Rodney that they had to blindside him because he just loved Joaq too much.

Rodney really wants to be the guy pulling the strings. His ego is bruised and there’s no amount of explaining that Mike can do to get Rodney to let it go. Rodney may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but Mike best not underestimate a man hellbent on revenge.

Rodney is ready to jump ship, and it just so happens he gets a big lucky break today. Today is a great day for Rodney and a few other lonely outcasts. Today is the merge!

Joe, one of the best challenge competitors and more likable people in the game, has been targeted a couple times. Now that he’s back with his old no collar gang, he’s the one who benefits the most from the merge right now.

I love when the competition becomes individual. The big team challenges are fun to watch, but when it’s individual, we really see who wants it the most. That’s when we know who to put our weight behind. Not only are challenges more intense from now on, but strategy talk fires up red-hot post merge.

Read more ‘Survivor: Worlds Apart’ Castaways Revealed

This cast does not disappoint in either department. Once they return to the old Escameca beach, the castaways are dismayed to see that their camp has been completely dismantled. Nice move, production. Now that they all have a task to accomplish, people can get busy pairing off, making alliances and talking shop without being watched too closely by others.

Right away, the undercover power couples — Mike and Kelly, Carolyn and Tyler — covertly reunite.

Mike’s genius tactic to keep the heat off of him and Kelly has been to target any outspoken power couple — Sierra and Lindsie or Joaquin and Rodney – and break them up right away. Because of his own doing, couples are seen as the main threats in this game. Little does anyone know, however, Mike is hiding his deep alliance with Kelly. I’m actually not sure that no one knows about Mike and Kelly. Mike threw the challenge so obviously that someone must have noticed. I’d love to know.

Another under-the-radar power couple, Carolyn and Tyler, could do some serious damage in the future. These two are both highly intelligent, and Carolyn has an idol. I foresee these two gaining some serious power and control as the game continues.

Read more ‘Survivor: Worlds Apart’: Meet the Season 30 Castaways

The other power couple that doesn’t even try to hide is Haley and Jenn. These two have been tight since day one, and we all know when girls bond on Survivor, magic ensues. And now that Joe’s back in the fold, maybe he can help take some of the heat off of these ladies. I want to see them hang around for a while.

It doesn’t take long for my wish to come true. The first post merge challenge is a Survivor (and personal) favorite: the koala bear, pole-hugging challenge! Thanks, guys.

Typically, this challenge favors small people who can seemingly levitate themselves for days. This time, it shows us which castaway is mentally strongest. Joe, Jenn and Carolyn rise to the occasion. Joe loves this game. He holds on to the pole through the thunderstorm with a massive smile on his face. This love for the game is a powerful force. When both Jenn and Carolyn slip off their respective poles, Joe emerges the victor, saving himself from being the first post merge boot.

Read more Parvati Shallow Breaks Down ‘Survivor: Worlds Apart’: Two Tribal Councils, One Blindside and a Major Shake-Up

Now, the rest of the tribe is faced with choosing sides. Rodney’s ready to cut someone’s head off or make a game-winning touchdown, and he’s running around putting together nonsense alliances to prove it. He ropes in Will, who doesn’t quite fit in with the rest of the no collar kids. With the exception of Will, all the rest of Rodney’s people look like they’re simply playing along, but they have other real alliances elsewhere. I don’t think Rodney gets that he’s not in control. He wants it so bad that he’s simply convinced himself he’s the godfather.

As we head into tribal council, it’s unclear where the line will be drawn. What is clear is that this line will be aggressively made with some sort of sharp, life-threatening weapon. Dan says chainsaw, Tyler says ice pick. I’m a bit concerned about Tyler. He’s so quiet and subdued — I don’t like his use of violent imagery. What is he hiding, anyway?

He certainly doesn’t know what Jenn is hiding when he votes for her. As Jenn pulls out her hidden immunity idol, I am fist-bumping and high-fiving her from afar. I love this girl and watching her blindside her entire tribe (with the exception of Haley) is truly sublime.

As Kelly takes the long walk to Ponderosa, I can’t help but feel a buzz of excitement. This game is getting good, and it’s about to get even better.

Tweet me @parvatishallow with questions or comments.

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