No Label, No Problem as ‘Idol’ Alums Turn to Kickstarter (and Fans) to Fund Their Music

American Idol Alum Kickstarter Split - H 2013

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As the music industry becomes increasingly crowded with artists clamoring for ever more elusive record deals, several American Idol alums are turning to the crowdfunding site Kickstarter as a way to raise money for their projects while simultaneously connecting with fans.

Earlier this year, season nine finalist Siobhan Magnus successfully raised over $23,000 to support her ‘90s tribute band, Doubtful Guest, and other alums are following suit. Idol season four runner-up Bo Bice, season eight finalist Scott MacIntyre and season 10 finalist Erika Van Pelt have all recently launched campaigns to fund and market their respective releases.

Why cull the power of thousands after having been watched by millions on the Fox show? Van Pelt says there is a common perception that because someone competed on Idol, or any singing competition for that matter, “automatically means we are successful,” but that isn’t always the case. “A lot of us are still on the grind,” she adds.

To wit: Van Pelt just this week begins a gig as commentator on a Rhode Island NBC affiliate offering weekly insights into the competition on such shows as The Voice and X Factor. Her campaign to raise $20,000 for her debut album, My Independence (out Oct. 8), was successful, clocking in at $20,471.

MacIntyre, a recent transplant from Scottsdale, Ariz. to Bice’s home turf of Nashville, has also been working on songs for a new album and as of this writing, had already reached his $25,000 goal.

PHOTOS: ‘American Idol’ Judges Past and Present: The Good, the Bad and the Boring

“The number of songs that end up on the album depend on how much funding we raise through Kickstarter, so every dollar truly makes a difference,” he tells The Hollywood Reporter. “When the Kickstarter campaign finishes on Oct. 14, I will know a lot more about what studios, producers, engineers and musicians I can work with based on the funding that has been pledged.”

But like the Fox show itself, not every singer is a winner. Bice, who was signed to RCA Records after finishing second behind Carrie Underwood, was unsuccessful in his bid for $35,000 to fund an album that incudes an art and photography book. Called The Colors of Sound and combining three of his passions into one undertaking Bice was hoping for a release in April 2014, but his campaign stalled at $9,327 and 92 backers.

Speaking to THR while the campaign was still active, Bice noted that several friends had successful Kickstarter campaigns — among them like Bryan White, Momma’s Blue Dress and Mothers Finest. “I figured it was a creative new way for the fans to support the artist directly,” said Bice. “That’s the ultimate goal, to give the fans what they want from the artist’s project. No middleman!”

In Van Pelt’s case, the Kickstarter effort wasn’t so much about paying for recording or even manufacturing of an album but rather, being able to afford some of the enormous expenses that typically a label would cover. “The funny thing is the album is finished and I already have $50,000 into the project,” she tells THR. “I actually got my first small shipment of hard copy CDs. The problem now is that I am not attached to a label, and being independent [means that] getting radio play is very difficult and any sort of distribution and marketing is going to cost a significant amount of money that I just don’t have.”

As it typical in the Kickstarter model, contributors get to take part in the project in an active way, ranging from receiving acknowledgement in an album’s liner notes to interacting with the artist on a very personal level, like breaking bread with them at a private dinner.

STORY: ‘American Idol’ Winners, Alums Share Randy Jackson Memories

Fans who contribute $100 or more to MacIntyre’s campaign, for example, will receive a personal phone call from MacIntyre. At the $400 level, limited to one person, MacIntyre will throw in the pink pants he wore during Motown week on Idol. The six people who contribute $2,000 or more will have an original song written and recorded for them. MacIntyre already has one backer who has contributed $10,000, which means he will be giving that person a private concert.

Van Pelt’s incentives range from a private lunch hosted by the 27-year old rocker ($500) or, for $1,000, a fan will get a karaoke party with the professional DJ. There are also incentives for a living room concert or a full-blown house jam with her band.

Says Van Pelt: “I’m one of those types of people who hate asking for anything. It’s an Irish pride kind of thing and when my producer approached me about doing Kickstarter I said no. But he started to explain it to me that people get rewards so it’s not a charity. … I can’t just stand there and ask people for money without giving something significant back.”

“Kickstarter and other similar crowd-funding platforms could be the way of the future when it comes to music,” MacIntyre believes. “Artists are able to connect more intimately than ever before with their fans through social media, and I see Kickstarter as a logical extension of that concept. It allows fans to be a part of the album creation process from the ground up. My fans, friends and family were the reasons I made it so far on American Idol, and I’m hoping they will be the reasons that this new album is my best album yet.”

There are challenges with Kickstarter, however. One being visibility. “The thing with Kickstarter is, if you don’t plaster it absolutely everywhere, unless you are going on the Kickstarter website and looking for it, it doesn’t necessarily show up as a Google search,” says Van Pelt. “You sort of have to go out of your way to look for it,” she said.

STORY: Kickstarter Defends Spike Lee’s Campaign: ‘This Isn’t Charity’

Another is the stigma of having been watched by tens of millions but seemingly pleading for dozens to put their money where their fandom is. As many Idol finalists — and even some winners — learn, fame is fleeting. Oftentimes, alums of TV shows find themselves trying to strike an iron that has long ago cooled. 

With that in mind, it’s important for any artist to make realistic economic goals and reasonable requests of their funders. When Colin Hanks, son of Tom Hanks, turned to Kickstarter to raise $50,000 for the documentary All Things Must Pass: The Rise and Fall of Tower Records, he explained to potential investors that he was “dedicated to making this film as cost effective as we can.” Their contributions, he promised, would go towards “the nuts and bolts of filmmaking.”

The average Idol funding goal of $20,000 is far less than the $200,000-plus that major labels coughed up to sign runners-up in the show’s early days, and even for a DIY project, barely covers the cost of production, mixing and mastering. Another case for making your future release an EP, some would argue. 

The risk of delays and hiccups are to be expected. As Kickstarter explains on its website: “Some projects take longer than anticipated, but creators who are transparent about issues and delays usually find their backers to be understanding” 

A bonus for the 140-plus Idol finalists out there in the world: if anyone can appreciate the need for tangible support, it’s a fellow show alum. “I donated to Bo’s project,” says Van Pelt. “He’s working very hard and I haven’t heard the new material but I’m sure it’s great. I always loved him.” 

Idol on Kickstarter: A sampling of recent campaigns by alums of the Fox series

Siobhan Magnus
Season 9 Top 10  
Goal: $20,000
Pledged: $23,610
Status: Funded

Erika Van Pelt
Season 10 Top 10
Goal: $20,000
Pledged: $20,471
Status: Funded

Scott MacIntyre
Season 8 Top 10
Goal: $25,000
Pledged: $27,500
Status: Ongoing

Bo Bice
Season 4 Runner-up
Goal: $35,000
Pledged: $9,327 
Status: Not Funded

Megan Joy,
Season 8 Top 10
Goal: $15,000
Pledged: $18,915
Status: Funded

Jacqueline Rose 
Season 11 Hollywood Week
Goal: $3,000
Pledged: $3,493
Status: Funded

Deanna Brown
Season 8 Hollywood Week
Goal: $6,500
Pledged: $6,526
Status: Funded

Mathanee Treco
Season 3, 5, 9, 11, 12 Auditioner
Goal: $10,000
Pledged: $11,350
Status: Funded

Chip Days
Season 2 Wildcard
Goal: $50,000
Pledged $0
Status: Not Funded

Amadeo DiRocco
Season 9 Hollywood Week
Goal: $5,000
Pledged: $195
Status: Not Funded

Kristi Krause 
Season 11 Hollywood Week
Goal: $25,000
Pledged: $1,150
Status: Not Funded

Twitter: @FredBronson, @MicheleAmabile

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‘American Idol’ Winners, Alums Share Randy Jackson Memories

Melinda Doolittle James Durbin Phillip Phillips split L

“Teddy bear,” “sweetheart,” “supporter” — those are just some of the words used to describe Randy Jackson by American Idol graduates. Since 2002, when he first sat alongside then judges Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul, the affable music industry veteran has become a pop culture icon thanks to his signature catch-phrases and less-is-more critiques.

Along the way, he’s helped scores of Idol alums navigate the sometimes treacherous waters of show business, offering guidance, a hook-up or even his own helping hand.

It’s no wonder The Hollywood Reporter received such a tremendous response when we asked former Idols for their favorite Randy Jackson memories. Read on to see what winners Phillip Phillips, Scotty McCreery, Taylor Hicks, Fantasia Barrino and Ruben Studdard had to say about Jackson, who announced his exit from the Fox show at the end of this season, along with 30 more finalists…

Lauren Alaina (season 10): “Randy always had my back.  He was a wonderful judge.  His spunk, encouragement, and smile will be missed on the judging panel.”

Bo Bice (season four): “I’m sad to hear Randy is leaving American Idol. He’s not only inspired me and helped make my dreams come true, but he’s done the same for over a decade of other contestants as well. I was truly amazed when this super musician and producer would say encouraging things about my performances; it was very validating for me and I’ll always appreciate his support and honesty. We’ll miss you, Dawg.”

Crystal Bowersox (season nine): “Randy Jackson has been such an important part of the American Idol journey for so many.  I have an immense amount of respect and love for him, and wish him the best in all of his future endeavors.”

Jason Castro (season seven): “Randy was always a pretty fair judge. He could definitely be tough, but when he gave you props, it was awesome because you knew he meant it. I remember when I performed ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’… I think we were down to the final eight … and Randy said ‘Jason Castro is back!’ that was ‘blazing molten hot!’ He’s a major figure in the music industry, so when he said that, it really gave me confidence and meant a ton.  He will be missed on Idol.”

Kevin Covais (season five): “I had an amazing Idol experience seven years ago. I had the pleasure of performing in front of the original judges: Simon, Paula and Randy, all of whom I respect immensely. But I would have to say that my favorite judge was Randy Jackson. I felt like Randy always saw me for me and knew exactly what I was about as a person. And I felt like any criticism I received from him was constructive. I recall my last semifinal performance before advancing to the top 12. I performed the Don McLean song ‘Vincent.’ I remember Randy saying that he wasn’t a fan of the song choice, but that he was a fan of mine. After my time on the show, I came across an interview from the night I got eliminated and Randy said how much everyone on the show loved me and how the future would be amazing for me. I might have been considered the underdog of my season of Idol, but I could tell Randy never thought of me that way. He knew that I was just an honest, real 16-year-old kid who loved to sing. He could see that because he is the same way. I’ve come across few people who are as genuine as Randy Jackson. He is an amazing dude. Idol will miss him when he’s gone.”

Bucky Covington (season five): “It will be hard to replace a talent like Randy, especially since he is such a beloved name in the music industry. He has great advice for the contestants no matter what he thinks of their chosen ‘genre’ and I always respected him for that. Very interested to see who will be chosen for the new panel of judges… I personally think Judge Judy would be great on the show…”

Melinda Doolittle (season six): “I credit Randy Jackson for encouraging the ‘Tina Turner’ in me. I went from not always being sure about the grit in my voice to embracing every second, thanks to his encouragement. As a huge fan of the original three judges, I will miss Randy dearly and am proud to have been one of his ‘dawgs!’”

PHOTOS: ‘American Idol’ Season 12: Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj Search for a Winner

Anoop Desai (season eight): “Randy inspired a nickname (Anoop Dogg) that still resonates in the minds of my fans across the world. Always enthusiastic, he has been a constant voice and guide on a true juggernaut of pop culture. His departure is the end of an era that has seen Idol produce superstars and music industry professionals for more than a decade. He’s done everything from play with Journey to sign Brennan Huff’s samurai sword, so I know that whatever he does next, it’ll make an impact in someone’s life for years to come. He definitely impacted mine.”

James Durbin (season 10): “I was freshly eliminated and in New York City doing promo at the Fox Upfront, and Randy was a part of it. We ran into each other backstage and he asked what I was doing the next day. At that point I was scheduled to leave, but Randy got me the chance to go on Jimmy Fallon the next day and sing ‘Anyway You Want It’ with him and Jimmy. Awesome!”

Fantasia (season three winner): “Randy is the same man now that he has always been. He is always honest, humble and supportive. He never changes. He has always believed in me. Every time I’ve come back to Idol to perform, he is the first one to come up on stage and talk to me. He is always giving me good advice about my music and my career. And any time Randy needs me, I will always be there for him.”

Tamyra Gray (season one): “For me Randy was a familiar face in a foreign land. He always had an energetic spirit, a smile on his face, and a kind word. His energy helped to put my nerves at ease when I was on the show. And after I left, he was still there to offer his advice, a listening ear and  encouragement.  He’s an all around good ‘dude’ and the world knows it!  I love you, Randy! May love and light always surround you.”

Taylor Hicks (season five winner): “Randy was a musician’s idol. He brought a serious musical expertise as a judge. I always listened and followed his critiques. He will be missed.”

Allison Iraheta (season eight): “Randy has made an incredible mark on history with his hard work, optimism, musical knowledge and love for everyone in this musical world. When I was on the show that person you saw on camera was exactly who he was in real life. Even after Idol, Randy has been a force of good in my life and I am blessed to know him and call him a friend. I can’t wait to see what he does next. I bet it’s going to be off the hook, dawg!”

Michael Johns (season seven): “I have had the pleasure of working with Randy on many occasions since Idol. He is an immensely talented producer and a great, funny guy. My time on Idol was fun. The night I was voted off was ‘inspiration song’ week. I sang ‘Dream On,’ and Randy said, ‘Man, I just don’t get that song choice. It was supposed to be an inspiration-themed song and you chose ‘Dream On.’ I said, ‘Randy, what’s more inspirational than ‘dream on till your dreams come true?’ Just then Randy took a sip from his Coke cup that said in big letters, ‘Dream Big!’ Haha! Love that man. Idol will never be the same.”

Blake Lewis (season six): “Randy is the ‘dawgfather’ of American Idol.  He has been a big supporter of mine, both during my season of Idol and throughout my recording career. I’m sure he will continue being successful as a producer, musician and father because of his passion for creativity. There’s nothing ‘pitchy’ about this dawg, because he is in tune with the key of life. Much love and respect, Randy.”

Kimberley Locke (season two): “As a judge, I knew when Randy liked a performance and when he didn’t. If he asked you, ‘Yo, dawg, how you feeling tonight?’ that meant he didn’t like it but he was trying to be nice about it. I admire Randy for the work he has done on stage and off stage. He has had a great career. My best moments with Randy came when I was off the show when he signed me to his label Dream Merchant and we scored a top five dance hit with ‘Strobe Light.’ I was honored to have had that time with him in studio. Randy, can’t wait to see what you will be up to in coming years!”

STORY: ‘American Idol’ On The Charts: ‘Voice’ Finalist Takes the ‘Wheel,’ Boosts Carrie Underwood

Scott MacIntyre (season eight): “To me, Randy was always the glue that held the judges together. He has been there from the beginning, and he is synonymous with American Idol. I was always excited to hear what Randy would say about my performances each week. He really understood my passion, and as a blind person, I immediately connected with him because of the passion and inflection with which he speaks. … The show went on without Simon, but when Randy leaves, things will not be the same.”

Siobhan Magnus (season nine): “Randy has always been my favorite judge on Idol. My most special Randy moment was one week, after my performance, Simon started to make fun of my outfit again, specifically my shoes. Randy defended me, I’m pretty sure he said, ‘Naw, dawg. Those are Missy Elliott Adidas!’ And then he told me he understood that I was an ‘artist.’ Him telling me I was an artist, not just a singer, was one of my proudest moments my whole time on Idol, and in my whole life. I remind myself of that moment pretty much every time I feel misunderstood!” 

Mandisa (season five):   “Randy Jackson played a big role in where I am today. Coming in ninth place on season five of American Idol left me grasping for every opportunity. I was shocked at the number of doors that were open for me after my elimination. I had labels calling for meetings out the wazoo! It’s easy to let the fame get to your head when you’ve been in the ‘Idol bubble’ for so long. Many people want to take any record deal that offers the most money or the biggest opportunity for worldwide success. But I’ll never forget watching Larry King Live before we began our 60-city American Idol tour. Larry’s guests were Randy Jackson, Ryan Seacrest, Taylor Hicks and Katharine McPhee (first and second place on my season). Randy spoke some words that night that left an indelible mark on me. He turned to Tay-Tay and Kat and said, ‘I’ll give you guys one last piece of advice. Accept what you sing best and stick with it.’ Such simple advice, really, but it opened my eyes. I knew then that I could make an R&B album, like many of the labels wanted. But when I got right down to it, the music I sing best, that comes most naturally for me, is about the most important Person in my life: Jesus. … I followed Randy’s advice, and after seven years, five albums, hundreds of thousands sold, and most importantly, countless lives impacted, I am so thankful for those words.”

Scotty McCreery (season 10 winner): “Randy was there from the beginning and added a huge element to the show with his experience and critique that will be truly missed. I loved having him on my season, but even with him gone, he’ll always be ‘America’s dawg…'”

Nikki McKibbin (season one): “You would think that what I remember most about Randy Jackson is ‘Nikki, Nikki, Nikki, I love the shoes.’ But it’s actually much deeper than that. Idol was brand new and none of us knew what to expect from the judges. RJ Helton had just finished singing “Lately” in the final group of the top 30. Simon called RJ a loser (among other things that were never aired and should never be repeated). As contestants, we all figured there would be a little drama within the judges panel but nothing like we witnessed with this fight, especially since we were so far along in the competition. Randy stood up for all of us, especially RJ. I’ve always been an open book, very blunt and sometimes honest to a fault but never cruel. I really saw how amazingly compassionate and caring Randy was that day. He could have very well just gone along with what was being said but instead he took a stand. He stood up for us and for that I will always have the deepest respect for him as a judge but more importantly as a man.”

Phillip Phillips (season 11 winner): “Randy Jackson has been a valuable part of idol for 12 seasons. The advice he gave me was invaluable and I look forward to watching him continue to set a strong example in the music business. Thanks for everything, Randy.”

Chris Richardson (season six): “Randy Jackson is an American icon. Dude is a legend in my mind. Hands down one of the coolest judges I know. The way he would praise you or constructively criticize contestants was very honest and genuine. He really did want for you to succeed, and wasn’t afraid to tell you to step it up. I remember one night he told me I was ‘in it to win it.’ If he only knew his words would carry on far after the show had completed. I was in it to win it. Maybe I didn’t win the show, but I’ve continued to work my ass off years after to establish a name in this business. So I look back on my journey on Idol, and I’m blessed to have been a part of it while Randy was there. So to you Randy, thank you for all the advice. Thank you for continuing to help push individuals to be better. And last but not least, thank you for making my ride on Idol memorable. Cheers!”

Anwar Robinson (season four): “My experience on Idol was a master class and Randy Jackson was one of the professors. I believe his knowledge and genuine desire for me and the other contestants to reach our full potential is something that made American Idol one of the greatest opportunities for aspiring music artists in America.  I am a currently a music teacher and director. I give thanks to Randy as I incorporate much of his advice and guidance in my students.  I am sure we have not seen the last of Randy Jackson.”

Brandon Rogers (season six): “My favorite memory of Randy was during my season. I think it was top 20 or 16 week, and during the commercial break the audience and everyone got Randy to get up and take Rickey Minor‘s bass and jam with the band.  It reminded everyone that he wasn’t just ‘some guy’ up there on the judge dais — he was actually an awesome musician who knew what he was talking about.”

VIDEO: Ryan Seacrest, Randy Jackson and Keith Urban on the Top 10 Finalists

Chris Sligh (season six): “When you only make it to number 10 — like I did — the number of moments hanging with the judges is limited. But I remember running into Randy backstage top 12 week. That week, I’d re-arranged ‘Endless Love’ and though it’d received rave reviews throughout the week by other contestants, the producers and even Nigel [Lythgoe] and Ken [Warwick]. The judges had hated it. Plus, my wife had been in town for three days and I’d seen her a total of an hour and a half. I was frustrated, down and angry…  So, I run into Randy in the hall beside the stage at CBS studios and he stops, pulls me aside and quietly tells me, ‘Dawg, you took a chance and it didn’t work out. You’re still as good as anybody here. Now, make America see what all of us see.’ I apparently didn’t make America see what they saw — I went home two weeks later — but I was always blown away that this incredibly famous, incredibly talented person cared enough to stop in a hallway to encourage me.”

Vonzell Solomon (season four): “While on Idol,I met a beautiful 10-year-old girl from my hometown. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She flew to Los Angeles with her family to be at one of the live shows. Afterward, Randy, Paula and Simon spent quite a bit of time with her and her family, showing them love and support. At that moment, I realized they were real people with big hearts. Madison is now a three-time cancer survivor and thanks to Randy she has great memories to cherish forever. l love that he is so cool with the ‘dawg pound,’ yet at the same time is so warm and compassionate.”

Ruben Studdard (season two winner): “Randy was always like a big brother to me while I was on the show. I talked with him about so many different things because we are both from the south. I remember how involved he was with me after the show, taking time to listen to the music that I was working on for my first album, Soulful, and giving great advice on how to deal with the many obstacles that arise in the industry. He always gave me great constructive criticism while I was on Idol and he knew how to make us laugh when the days got long. I’m sure everyone in that building will miss his presence. I wish him good luck on all of his future endeavors.”

Trenyce (season two): “My best memory of Randy was after the show was over. Randy came out to our soundcheck for the tour. He heard me sing Whitney Houston’s ‘I Have Nothing’ for the first time since the show and he said, ‘If you continue wowing crowds like you did me at sound check, your career will go far! Don’t be afraid to be you on stage.’ I really appreciated that.  … His seat could never really be filled — he’s been there since the beginning. Best wishes to Randy.”

Jasmine Trias (season three): “People always ask me, ‘What are the judges really like?’ What I love about Randy is that what you see on camera is exactly what you get off camera in person, too! His genuine factor is what makes him so endearing. If you’re a friend or an acquaintance of Randy’s, you’re going to be called ‘dawg,’ so you better get used to it! He was real and down-to-earth, and generous with advice during my time on the show. I always appreciated his warmth and friendliness towards the contestants. He wanted us to improve each week and be the best we could be. Randy will be missed and will be hard to replace. It’s a lottery to guess who will be on the season 13 judging panel, but I’m excited to see what happens next! I want to wish Randy all the best of luck in the future. I’m looking forward to seeing what he has planned next for his career. No doubt he’s ‘in it to win it!'”

Tim Urban (season nine): “For me Randy brought a lot of industry experience to the panel which made his opinion worth really listening to. Even though he wasn’t a big fan of mine on the show, I was glad he was on the panel and gave me feedback.”

Erika Van Pelt (season 11): “I’ll always remember Randy announcing my name as a wildcard for Top 13. He was so cool about it. He seemed psyched for me.”

Brooke White (season seven): “Without question, Randy Jackson is the judge who continues to care about the contestants beyond the Idol stage. When the show and tour are done and over and we are all left to ourselves to figure out what to do next, it’s an overwhelming and confusing time. I’ll never forget that day that I randomly bumped into Randy at the Guitar Center in Sherman Oaks, shortly after my elimination. He spent at least an hour talking to me, offering me his advice and resources. I was stunned by how nice he was! From that moment on, he was there for me, ready to help me make it in the real world. He helped me start my own record label, June Baby Records, introduced me to my management, connected me with an endorsement deal, spent a lot of his own time listening to my songs to help me shape my album High Hopes and Heartbreak and he helped me land my first acting gig. Beyond what Randy has done to help me in my music career, what has always impressed me is how personable and in the moment he is with everyone. He takes time to talk, listen, hug, take pictures and make people feel like they’re seriously his best friend. He is not a ‘celebrity’ kind of celebrity. He is a walking teddy bear. Oh, and he smells amazing, and always has the best shoes. I’m gushing, but he’s just the real deal. What more can I say about Randy ‘the dawg’ Jackson? Love that guy!”

Twitter: @Idol_Worship

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