‘Big Brother 18’: Who Has the Round Trip Ticket?

August 04, 2016 7:30pm PT by Brian Porreca

Another fan favorite sits on the chopping block.  CBS

Another fan favorite sits on the chopping block.

“You tend to find out quickly who your friends really are,” Big Brother host Julie Chen says about Da’Vonne being nominated by who she considered one of her closest allies, your boy, Paul.

Last week, Da’Vonne targeted Bridgette’s “dude” and best friend in the game Frank Eudy, which ended up sealing the fan favorite’s fate with him walking out the door. This week Da’Vonne and Bridgette sat next to each other on the nomination block and although Day was able to get Frank tossed out of the game she realizes that once on the block she can’t feel too comfortable. So did she go home? We’ll fill you in, but first, here are the top moment’s from this season’s sixth live eviction.  

“He’s really just his mamma’s boy.” “I miss my mom’s cooking. I miss pissing my mom off!” Paul says about missing his mom. Are you surprised that the bearded rocker who’s covered in tattoos is not afraid to shed a few tears? “When I hear him say your boy I feel like he’s saying it to me,” Paul’s dad says about his son. “Paul volunteers a lot. He loves animals. Deep inside his heart is gold,” adds Paul’s mother about her caring son. As for Paul’s family’s take on Paulie becoming single white male, copying everying your boy does? “As they say twinsies!” Paul’s mom says about Paulie and Paul. They could even make it to the final two if Paul’s dad is calling the shots, “I think P and P will be all the way to the end.”

What you got brewing? “I don’t need any surprises it’s not my birthday,” Paul lies to Mamma Day that he does not see a scenario where the Inglewood native walks out of the house. “What you got brewing?” she says about her suspicions of a plan to get her evicted. And she’s obviously right. “It’s basically who’s going to get who out first,” Nicole says about wanting Da’Vonne out. Remember you two were friends? Remember the returning players are outnumbered still?  Also do you remember when you got backstabbed in season 16? Just remember your season 16 nemesis got booed after backstabbing you. And after your mission to take out the Mamma of the house you could hear similar boos. But it’s not over until it’s over. “I like Da’Vonne a lot,” James says about wanting to keep his season 17 cast mate. “A personal move who be to try to save her and be a hero.” So does the self proclaimed Asian hillbilly save Da’Vonne? Keep reading. 

She snitched! “I told him they’re going to take him out in the double,” Da’Vonne tells the Chenbot what she told Victor after she got evicted. As for the not so surprising blindside? She adds, “I knew it. You can sense it throughout the week.” After being nominated Da’Vonne kept her cool as best as she could. But that doesn’t mean she wasn’t emotional throughout the season. “Some of that was me acting!” Da’Vonne says about using tears as strategy in the game. Not so lucky for her the tears didn’t work like they did for season 17’s professional poker player, Vanessa Rousso who landed a spot in the final three. And wait, the waterworks don’t stop for Mamma Day after she watches her fellow houseguests’ goodbye messages. “Zakiyah! I love that girl,” she tells Julie why she’s crying. 

Who has the round trip ticket? “I grabbed the wrong card Julie!” this season’s first jury member, Da’Vonne says after Chen reveals she does not have the one roundtrip ticket to get back in the game this season. So then who does? With Frank and Da’Vonne left booted from the game without the golden ticket it could really be anyone’s. And maybe all will be revealed at next week’s double eviction. . .

Who do you want to have the round trip ticket? Is Victor going to listen to Da’Vonne? Who do you want to see go home in the double eviction next week? Battle about it in the comments section below and stay tuned to The Live Feed for all things Big Brother.

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‘Big Brother 18’: First Evicted Returning Player Responds to Viewer Criticism

July 29, 2016 2:44pm PT by Brian Porreca

THR caught up with the first evicted returnee of the season to get his prediction on which showmance is doomed. CBS

THR caught up with the first evicted returnee of the season to get his prediction on which showmance is doomed.

The reveal of returning players Frank Eudy, Da’Vonne Rogers, Nicole Franzel and James Huling earlier this season received a mixed reaction from super fans of Big Brother.

Some argued that said players should not be referred to as vets. Others were confused by the selection. And now fans are critical of how they are playing or not playing the game. After Thursday’s live eviction there are only three remaining returnees. The Hollywood Reporter caught up with the first returning player to get the boot, Frank, to get his honest take on the other three choices. 

If it weren’t Da’Vonne, James and Nicole in the house with you this season, what three other former players would you have liked to see come back?

Good question.

Mike: We have a previous relationship so you gone in there with somebody you trust.

Derrick: Derrick is a trustworthy guy who I love talking to outside of the house and I feel like he would have my back.

Johnny Mac: Because he doesn’t mind going up as a pawn on a regular basis.

Do you think Da’Vonne, James and Nicole deserved to return this season? Explain. 

Sure. Why not? They all left impacts on their season. Even Da’Vonne, who was only there for a couple [of weeks], everyone remembers her. James was America’s favorite houseguest and had to do a lot of the heavy lifting in her alliance. Nicole is a competitor and a fan of the game.

Now this time around you missed Zingbot. Give us your best zing for two remaining houseguests of your choice. 

Nicole: I might have coined the term ‘Queen of Sheba,’ but I think you should be renamed the queen of the showmance. Who is a better cuddler Hayden or Corey? Zing! 

Natalie: This is definitely a season of showmances. You have had your fair share already. By looking at James and Victor, I think you are as confused about what type you prefer as how to play the game. Zing! 

Which showmance do you think will crack first: Nicole and Corey, Paulie and Zakiyah, or James and Natalie? Why? 

I think it is going to be James and Natalie. I’ve heard people talk about getting Natalie out of the house just to get James back in the fold with the boys. I would go after Corey and Nicole first… I wanted Nicole out to get Corey on my side.

You won “America’s Favorite Houseguest” in season 14. How do you respond to super fans who may not be a fan of yours this season? Do you think you will win again?

If you are not a fan of me, that is your cup of tea and it doesn’t really bother me. It has been four years and maybe I have changed or maybe the fans have changed. My story last time was different. I was up on the block every week and I was saving myself. It was the underdog story and everyone likes to root for the underdog.

Does Frank have your vote for “America’s Favorite Houseguest?” Which showmance will be target first? Would you have watched a season with Frank, Derrick, Boogie and Johnny Mac playing the game? Sound off in the comments section below and stay tuned to The Live Feed for all things Big Brother

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‘Big Brother 18’: A Fan Favorite’s Fate Is Sealed

July 28, 2016 7:33pm PT by Brian Porreca

THR breaks down the most dramatic moment's from Thursday night's live eviction. CBS

THR breaks down the most dramatic moment’s from Thursday night’s live eviction.

“With the clock ticking can the house unlock it?” host Julie Chen said about Big Brother 18’s new secret room twist. On Thursday night’s live eviction a fan favorite is at risk of being voted out the door, and a new twist enters the game.

To fill you in on what you missed, The Hollywood Reporter breaks down the most twisted moments from this season’s fifth live eviction.  

No hugs needed. “No hugs needed,” Frank tells James after the power of veto isn’t used on either him or Bridgette.  “I don’t have a lot of friends who are true friends in my life. People in the house don’t seem to like me for me, but Frank does,” a teary-eyed Bridgette says in the diary room about her friendship with Frank. And who’s the most jealous of their friendship? Michelle. “I’m already regretting not saving Frank” Michelle says about her fears of Bridgette potentially nominating her down the line. She admits she’s jealous of Bridgette and Frank’s relationship And then come the water works as Michelle realizes she is saying good by to one of her favorite players to ever play the game.  “He is the damn devil in season 18,” Da’Vonne says about Michelle being a super fan of the season 14 under dog. 

When one door opens. “There just has to be another bread crumb on the trail,” Frank says after searching for clues around the house. The show tossed the houseguest their first clue on the memory wall and then ignited all of them to scramble. Who was the best scrambler? The self proclaimed master of puzzles, your boy, Paul. “There’s literally a secret destination at my feet,” the bearded bro says after figuring out this season’s newest twist. “Your boy is going to be the first one in there.” And he is. So what’s in there? Well, it’s a round trip ticket back into the game. The trick is though that although there are 12 cards in the room only one has the golden ticket. So it’s luck of the draw. “I’ll take slim odds over no odds,” Frank says about his chances of holding the lucky round trip ticket. As for Mamma Day? She’s not too pleased, “My life was a lot easier without Paris.”

What do Hayden, Boogie, Meg and Jason all have in common? Besides losing, they all have their closest allies playing the game again this season.  “I had nobody, but Jason,” Da’Vonne tells the houseguets before the east coast fan favorite’s interview hits the screen. “My life has not changed at all. I’m still broke,” Jason quips. Adding, “Da’Vonne is a good player. As long as Da’Vonne can stay a few more weeks she’s going to be in a good spot.” As for James’ nomance and best friend in the house he says, “I had a really food friend, Meg.” And although they “texted all the time” there was no love between the two. “We were always friends, solely friends. He’ll always have a special place in my heart,” Meg says. “You’re always in a a relationship right?” Victor points out to Nicole before her ex beau pops on the screen, shorter hair and all. “It was a very serious relationship,” says Hayden. “It is absolutely weird watching Nicole on the showmance action, but I’m all for it. Do what makes you happy.” And who could forget Frank’s ride or die ally from season 13, Mike Boogie. Although friends, the show’s mastermind is honest about how his homeb oy is playing the game, “Frank is playing a horrible game!” 

The fan favorite’s fate. So is Mike Boogie right and did Frank’s horrible game come to an end? “Hope to never see you again,” Frank tells the other houseguests during his eviction speech. He may have spoked too soon because after he opened his envelope on stage with Julie his fate was sealed. No return ticket for Frank the tank. “You’re taking a one way trip home tonight,” Chen tells him. And then she points out his poor game play, “You could not keep a secret!” “I was born with a big mouth Julie!” he jokes back. And although Frank’s game is over he still is in the running for “America’s Favorite Houseguest.” And that leaves us with our next twist.

America’s Care Package. Julie introduces this season’s America’s vote. No, thankfully we won’t see Frankie Grande put on another play. There won’t be a saboteur. And there will not be an “America’s Player.” What the care package will do is that in the next five weeks America can vote for a houseguest to receive an advantage in the game. Super fans can vote here. But be careful who you vote for as each houseguest voted can only receive one of the packages. And here we go. . .

What do you think about all the twists this season? Does Frank have your vote for “America’s Favorite Houseguest?” Sound off in the comments section below and stay tuned to The Live Feed for all things Big Brother

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Brian Porreca

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