‘Big Brother 18’: Eighth Juror Talks His Showmance With Nicole, Blasts “Cocky” Victor

September 15, 2016 5:00pm PT by Brian Porreca

THR finds out what the future of Corey and Nicole will be.


THR finds out what the future of Corey and Nicole will be.

It’s no longer happy holidays for the Christmas-loving Corey.

The second-to-last eviction of Big Brother season 18 split up the last showmance left in the game. With their time together in the Big Brother house ending, is that the last super fans will see of “Nicorey”? Will they last outside of the game?

The Hollywood Reporter caught up with the college baseball player to find out. 

You never seemed too worried in the game and kept calm under pressure. How did you remain so calm while handling the high stakes of Big Brother?

I have been in a lot of very stressful situations with college sports. I live to be in high pressure situations. I love the rush. I love winning under harsh circumstances. I tend to stay pretty calm and collected in those situations. I’m a very confident person and that is probably why I was able to.

Before you entered the game, you didn’t know who Rachel Reilly was. Did you get to learn about her in the Big Brother house or are you still not familiar with her?

I have heard the name but I didn’t know exactly who she was. A lot of people in the house didn’t know, but we quickly learned that she is a Big Brother legend.

You won the last care package. Why do you think you won one over Paul and Victor?

I don’t know. Maybe because of my personality of being humble and playing a very loyal game. I was a likeable person and I didn’t go around stabbing everybody. That was after Vic stabbed me and he is cocky. Paul on the other hand, he said some pretty controversial things in my opinion. I think you either hate Paul or love him.

What was the strongest relationship in the house? Your showmance with Nicole, the showmance between James and Natalie or the bromance between Paul and Victor?

Me and Nicole. Paul and Victor – they would butt heads sometimes. Paul was even pushing to get Victor out when he came back for the second time. Nicole never bad mouthed me or wanted me out. She always stuck by my side. She was a very good ride or die to have and we went the furthest.

At what moment in the house did you really realize you were playing Big Brother?

On the coconut comp when me Nicole, Glenn and Tiffany had to battle it out for who was going to be staying and it came down to me and Glenn. That was freaky when I realized I could actually go home. 

Why do you think you were voted out over Nicole?

James thinks that he has a chance to win the $500,000 over Nicole if he is up against her in the final two. I think he knows that I would beat him if we were at the end.

What do you love more: Christmas or Nicole?

Nicole by a long shot. I love Christmas, but Nicole all day.

What was the biggest move you made in the game? Why?

Honestly, day two when I threw Nicole the first HOH. All the new players wanted me to get HOH and get the vets out. I was like, nope. I threw it to Nicole and she can get new people out. Everyone in the house was super ticked off and I had to play damage control. It was the most risky move but the most beneficial in my opinion.

Were you sad to see Corey go? Who has your vote for “America’s Favorite Houseguest?” Sound off in the comments section below and stay tuned to The Live Feed for some Big Brother finale surprises. 

Big Brother

Brian Porreca

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‘Big Brother 18’: Tears Flood the House as the Final Three Are Revealed

September 14, 2016 6:24pm PT by Brian Porreca

THR breaks down the most dramatic moments from this season's second-to-last eviction.

Courtesy of CBS

THR breaks down the most dramatic moments from this season’s second-to-last eviction.

Four quickly becomes three on Big Brother‘s second eviction episode this week.

“With the finale just a week away, tears of happiness and sadness flood the Big Brother house,” host Julie Chen tells the audience before Paul breaks down in tears after landing his seat in the final three.

“I’ve had it tough since day one. “Hopefully by winning this spot in the top three I could make it up for the both of us,” Paul says while wiping off his tears in the diary room.” And those aren’t the only tears on Wednesday night’s episode.

Keep reading as THR breaks down the most twisted moments from this season’s second-to-last eviction. 

Your boy hits a home run. The power of veto and the prankster aren’t meant to be. “James sucks, he’s out immediately,” Paul says about season 17’s “America’s Favorite Houseguest” failing to step up to the play and help him win the veto. “It looks like it’s down to your man versus your boy,” Paul says after Nicole gets her third out and is eliminated from the competition. “I have all the power this week,” Paul says after winning the final veto of the summer. “This is better than the world series,” James says about getting a ticket to the final three. 

Don’t bring up Day’s daughter. When tensions are high some houseguests quickly forget they are playing a game and should stray away from making personal attacks against other players. For Paulie and Da’Vonne though, they both are at fault for attacking each other beyond the game. It starts off with Da’Vonne attacking Paulie’s height. Paulie you got to be at least six feet to talk to me,” she tells him after he accuses her and Bridgette of treating Zakiyah “like she’s the worst person in the world.” And Paulie didn’t take Da’Vonne’s comment lightly as he started calling her classless and then brought up her daughter.

“What kind of example do you set for you baby girl?” Paulie says to Da’Vonne. After bringing up her daughter, all hell broke loose. “Don’t bring up my daughter! You’re a punk ass bitch! You a weak ass bitch!” Da’Vonne yells at Paulie before being pulled away by production. And who doesn’t seem to have Momma Day’s back? Her former closest ally Zakiyah. “She ain’t got my back either. He made you look like an idiot on national TV,” Day says about her. Yikes! It’s anyone’s guess on who will and will not talk once the show ends. Who will everyone definitely be in touch with? Victor, who everyone seemed to want to win the game. Da’Vonne even cried when he walked in the jury house. “I’m about to cry,” an emotional Day said upon seeing Victor. How does she feel about Nicole though?   

Corey makes it to first base. It’s the end of the road for the college baseball player, but he makes sure to leave the house with a kiss. Nicole’s showmance gives her a kiss after his eviction speech and she returns the favor by calling him beautiful inside and out. “I didn’t even know guys like you existed,” she says. As for the future of the strongest showmance this summer according to how long they lasted in the house? They’ll “possibly” continue the romance Corey tells Chen, “Nicole and I are going to be best friends no matter what.” It’s great and all they’ll remain close when the game is over, but the biggest question is will Nicole walk away half a million dollars richer this season? If the jury isn’t bitter than anything could happen. 

Who do you think will win the game? Vote for who you believe has the best shot at winning in THR‘s poll here. Paul currently leads. Chat about your vote in the comments section below and stay tuned to The Live Feed for all things Big Brother

Big Brother

Brian Porreca

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‘Big Brother 18’: Seventh Juror Weighs in On This Season’s Showmances and the Eviction That Hurt Him the Most

September 13, 2016 9:00pm PT by Brian Porreca

"He is going to break little Nicole’s heart," Victor tells THR about Corey.

Courtesy of CBS

“He is going to break little Nicole’s heart,” Victor tells THR about Corey.

All good things come to an end. And for Big Brother season 18 that good thing is the bromance between Paul and Victor. 

Yes, there were showmances this season, but those should really be deemed as fauxmances. The relationships between Corey and Nicole, James and Natalie, and Paulie and Zakiyah are no match for the friendship formed between this season’s underdogs, Paul and Victor. 

The pair was targeted early on, but with the help of this season’s twists, competition wins and some strategy, they stayed strong. But now the duo has been split up as Victor is evicted for a third time this summer. It’s not all bad news though, Paul has sealed his seat in the final three after winning the second to last head of household this summer. So what does evictee and this season’s seventh juror think of all the showmances this season? The Hollywood Reporter caught up with Victor to find out.  

This is your third time being evicted. Which eviction of yours hurt you the most? Why?

This last eviction hurt me the most. When I was evicted on Natalie’s HOH I kind of saw that coming before the nominations. This time, I really did have a lot of trust in Corey and Nicole and the fact that they put me on the block really hurt. At the end of the day, it is a game and we are all playing for the $500,000 so I can’t hold anything against them.

There were three showmances this season with Corey and Nicole, Paulie and Zakiyah, and James and Natalie. It seemed like you wanted a showmance early on, but didn’t have one. Why do you think a showmance didn’t work out for you?

I just didn’t click with Natalie. She is just not my type of girl. After that, I realized I’d rather have a bromance than a showmance. It is less stressful. Actually, I thought the showmances were kind of annoying this summer especially when it came to the final six when it was me and Paul and two showmances.

There won’t ever be a Big Meech and Victor showmance in the future?

No. If anything Paul and Big Meech… haha.

What was the most real the showmances this season or your bromance with Paul? Which relationship will last the longest outside of the house? Explain.

Me and Paul. 100 percent. Corey doesn’t want to be in a relationship after the show. He is going to break little Nicole’s heart. James and Natalie, that blew up before she left. Z and Paulie, she might be too controlling for him. Catch up with us in a couple years and I bet Paul and I are still the ones bro-ing it out.

Nicole has yet to be nominated all season. Why did you and your other houseguests allow that to happen? You know that season 16 winner Derrick Levasseur was never nominated, right?

Your condescending tone is not liked! Of course, I know that Derrick was never nominated. In my defense, she was never an immediate threat to me so I never nominated her. Having said that, she played a very quiet game and that got her to avoid the block. Props to her for that.

If it wasn’t James, Nicole, Da’Vonne and Frank as the returning players this season, which former players would you have wanted to play the game with? 

Returning players aside, it doesn’t matter. I just want to play the game and win.

Do you regret your final four deal with Corey and Nicole? 

No, because had I not made that final four deal, I might have been the target the week that Michelle was evicted. It also got me the 5,000 dollar bribe. After I won my HOH, hindsight is always 20/20, and I should have gotten one of them evicted because James and Natalie are weaker in competitions than Corey and Nicole.

Compared to Big Brother players who have played before you, who’s game do you think is the most similar to yours? How would you rank your game compared to past players?

Nobody is like El Fit Vic. I think I played pretty well given I was evicted twice and still made it to top five, had the most comp wins this season and had was the battle back king… not bragging though.

Does Victor have your vote for “America’s Favorite Houseguest?” Who do you think has the best shot at winning the game? Vote for your pick in THR‘s poll here. Chat about your pick in the comments section below and make sure to stay tuned to The Live Feed for all things Big Brother. Some finale surprises are coming your way. 

Big Brother

Brian Porreca

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