‘Big Brother OTT’: Julie Chen Talks America’s Vote, Viewer Fatigue and Season 18 Gameplay to Avoid

September 28, 2016 10:55am PT by Brian Porreca

Ahead of Wednesday night's premiere, Chen talks all things 'Big Brother.'

Sonja Flemming/CBS

Ahead of Wednesday night’s premiere, Chen talks all things ‘Big Brother.’

The Big Brother format will undergo some big changes to make the leap to CBS All Access for the new digital edition. But thankfully, longtime host Julie Chen will be back as the face of the series for Big Brother: Over the Top.

Would it really be Big Brother without her?

“I just didn’t feel like it would feel like the same brand if I didn’t host it!” Chen tells The Hollywood Reporter ahead of Wednesday’s premiere on CBS All Access, which comes just a week after the finale of Big Brother 18.

THR got Chen’s candid take on the new edition of the series, which new cast members are and aren’t her early favorites, and what gameplay from last season she never wants to see again. 

On season one of Big Brother, if someone told you that there would a version of the show all online, what would you have said to them?

I probably would have thought it was either impossible to do [or] there’s not enough of an audience for it. Who knew from the year 2000 that our mobile devices would be able to see live television or things streaming so easily and clearly. I just don’t think back then my brain would have been able to wrap around that there would be technology available to support that or enough of an audience to even attempt it. 

What if someone told you back then that not only is there an online version, but the show just finished its 18th season?

I would be like, “When donkeys fly!” There used to be a show called Alice and the waitress would say, “When donkeys fly!” I was nervous about whether or not we would even complete season one. If the ratings had gone below a certain number they would have just pulled a plug on the show let alone season two or three. 

What was your reaction to finding out about plans for Big Brother: Over The Top? What were the earlier conversations with you like?

I had a million questions like, how, when, why? All of the typical journalist questions. In my mind, when I first heard it, I thought it was going to be exactly like the broadcast version in terms of the production value, three episodes online a week instead of on broadcast. We had to figure out how to do it without it costing as much as it does for the broadcast version. At least for this first season, because it remains to be seen how much of a profit can be made, if a profit can be made, if there’s enough of an audience to watch it. I’m a little bit of an old soul. I’m more of a traditional media person. I was like, ” So, how is this going to work?”

You’re obviously very busy. Did you have any hesitations about hosting? How did they make it work for your schedule? 

It was never a concern of mine that I wouldn’t want to host because I love this show and I feel like already it’s going to be a departure from what people like on the broadcast version. You got to give them as much as you can from the original. I just didn’t feel like it would feel like the same brand if I didn’t host it! With my schedule, there was only a little bit of a concern about how am I going to juggle it all. I’ve done worse schedules than trying to have to combine Big Brother and The Talk during a normal year. When I was traveling from New York to L.A. every 10 days and doing morning news and Big Brother — that was just a killer. So I know I can do it. And they’re also very accommodating and they’re both on the same lot.

Last year you mentioned to me that you weren’t a fan of America voting in season one. What do you think about America voting for the digital edition?

It’s different because America won’t be voting every week for who gets evicted. By the time you’re down to the last two, that’s ok. That to me is fair for America to vote. In a way it’s even more fair because the jury is tainted. The jury is biased. Typically they have vendettas and scores to even. The public does not. So if the final two for BBOTT becomes final two in the traditional sense then it’s fair. 

What are your first impressions of the new cast?

I like Cornbread [aka Michael], that guy. (Laughs.) I find the New Orleans restaurant owner Justin intriguing. I feel like the preschool teacher [Danielle] from Visalia. Is she this year’s Zakiyah? I feel like she’s this year’s Zakiyah. 

Out of Jason or Jozea, who do you want to return?

I’m really leaning towards Jason. Jozea was just in. He seems to lead this glamorous, fabulous life. And Jason was a great character, but he didn’t last long enough to try and create a career for himself out of it. He went back to living in his mom’s basement. I’d like to see him use this as a chance to get out of his small town and change his life!

Are you worried at all about too much Big Brother

No, because look, we’ve seen Survivor last 30 seasons, twice a year and it’s worked for them. I probably would have a little bit of a concern if Big Brother, the broadcast version, was on twice a year like we did the one year during the [writer’s] strike. With BBOTT, I just see it like an added supplement to what fans like about the show. I don’t think they’re going to tire of it.

Would you want to see two seasons of the broadcast version again though?

No. One of the things that is synonymous with Big Brother is the summer. There’s just a different mentality we all have during the summer months. And also I feel like the reasons Big Brother stays popular is we get a crop of new fans every summer. Kids are home, there’s no school, they can’t drive yet, they check out this new show they’ve never seen, they’re online a lot whereas throughout the year kids are in session, there’s homework. And meeting the three nights of real estate a week, that’s tough.

Do you let your son watch Big Brother or is he too young?

Oh yeah! He started a little bit last year and the year before he came to the final because his birthday fell on the same day so he got the essence. But this year, I’ve seen such a difference of him understanding and rooting for people and liking certain people. As a matter of fact he and my husband [Leslie Moonves] watch my live show from home together. I call them on Facetime during commercial breaks. 

In terms of gameplay, what types of gameplay from last season do you hope we don’t see with the online version?

That’s a good question. I did not like Nicole [Franzel] as much as I did the first time she played it because I thought she was disloyal and snakey like her former house mates accused her of being. And I also didn’t like [that] there was a lot of jumping ship early on. Other than Paul [Abrahamian] and Victor [Arroyo] even some of the duos I felt like, “Are they really your ride or die?” We saw a little bit of ugliness come out of Natalie [Negrotti] towards James [Huling]. Was she playing him? There were no names that stuck like in the past [with] the Four Horsemen and Chill Town. I didn’t like that from the gameplay this season you never got a sense that it was true loyalty that stuck. Even Paul and Paulie [Calafiore], they were like inseparable twins trying to look like each other for a week and a half and then Paulie didn’t even vote for Paul in the end. 

Do you agree with the Chenbot? Which houseguests are your early favorites? Stay tuned to The Live feed for all things Big Brother

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Brian Porreca

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‘Big Brother 18’: Runner Up Discusses What Went Wrong and the “Bitter” Jury

September 22, 2016 10:40am PT by Brian Porreca

THR talked to Paul Abrahamian about what he believes cost him the game.

Sonja Flemming/CBS

THR talked to Paul Abrahamian about what he believes cost him the game.

It was a surprising twist on finale night.

While most super fans of Big Brother thought the bearded, friendship-loving Paul Abrahamian would win the game, Nicole Franzel was crowned the winner instead.

In fact, eight former jurors Janelle Pierzina, Brendon Villegas, Rachel Reilly, Johnny Mac, Meg Maley, Britney Haynes, Matt Hoffman and Judd Daugherty said they would vote for the tattooed newbie to win the game. 

So, what went wrong? The Hollywood Reporter spoke with the season 18 runner up about the “bitter” jury, his “sociopathic” cast and much more.

Why didn’t you win? What do you think happened?

Honestly, I’m a little bit of an asshole and the jury is definitely bitter about it. There’s nothing more I could have done.

They had the argument about the way you played personally, but what did you do specifically to get that reaction from them?

I don’t know! I call people out on their bullshit! And I guess I ruined a lot of people’s games. They were pissed. 

Should you have taken James over Nicole?

No, I think it would have been the same. It was a bitter jury. If anything, it would have been worse because I think he would have had all of the chicks and I just think the jury was bitter no matter what. I’d rather play this game as an asshole and win $50,000 than change my ways and be a sissy. F— me, I don’t know. They’re a bunch of prudes, man! A bunch of prudes!

What are you going to do with the $50,000?

Honestly dude, I’m a creator, I write music, I make clothes so I’m going to invest in my own creations. Hopefully people give a shit enough to see that it’s worth it.

What was your favorite part about being in the house?

It was fun, man! It was crazy. I like the confrontation. I like the madness. I live for that shit. It was a rush and I got a rush! I came in for a rush, I got a rush and I’m coming out with $50 grand, I’ll take it.

You lost to Nicole. Do you think you deserved to win over her?

Nicole definitely deserved it, she tried hard, but my argument is I was a f—ng newbie and you’re a vet, you had a second chance. This is my first chance. I gave you a run for your money. I won more comps than you. I did more than you. But I guess I pissed off the jury a little bit too much. 

You have more than six million people on Twitter that hate you.

That’s amazing!

I’m joking. You have a lot of fans.

Do I really? Seriously? Like no bullshit?

You and Victor have a lot of fans. Even alumni supported you. I did a mock jury where former jurors picked the winner. And eight out of nine of them picked you.

That’s what’s up! Dude, I’m telling you it was a bitter jury. My game was f—ng solid. I had the social aspect. I was an underdog. I won most competitions in the house. I solved riddles. What more did you want me to do? Clearly it’s the jury’s fault, not mine!

What was with friendship?

Bro, I don’t know, friendship, man. It was friendship!

Did it come to you in the house?

No, I had friendship all along, bud! And I told all of my friends, “I’m going to make all of God damn America say friendship.”

Who doesn’t have friendship with you?

Michelle. It’ll probably change. I honestly think everybody is a bunch of limp dick f—s. Natalie is super shitty. A pro and con for everyone? No pros. Victor is cool. Glenn is tight. Everybody is sociopathic. Everybody is socially and mentally unstable. They cry about shit, they’re a bunch of children. Everybody is immature. 

You cried a bunch too.

Fool calls me a bitch! Yeah I did. This show brought out emotions in me that i didn’t even know existed. It was euphoria. I felt euphoria in this house which is strange because it’s a game show inside a crazy house, but it brought out emotions in me that I’ve never seen before. That’s rad. 

Do you regret what you said to Meech?

No, I would say it again! That’s who I am. It was the heat of the moment. I guess people don’t know what it’s like to live with certain people. But when you poke at a dog enough, it’s going to bite! And that’s exactly what happened. I said that I wasn’t going to change myself to play this game and I didn’t. If I changed myself and won $500 grand, I would feel like a loser because I wasn’t myself. I take second place and be true to myself any day of the week. Everyone hated confrontation except for your boy. I loved it. I’ll party with Evel Dick [Donato]!

Whose vote were you the most surprised by?

I was surprised by Day’s vote. She’s like my big sister if anything I thought she was rooting for me, but I guess not. I was a little surprised by Natalie’s vote, but I did shit on her so I wasn’t so surprised her. F— everybody.

What did you think about your final speech versus Nicole’s?

It was exponentially better. Hands down! Your boy speaks! I’m a speech man. Speeches are my bread and butter. I put a lot of heart into it. I got my point across clearly. There’s nothing more I could have said. 

America is going to vote for either Jason Roy or Jozea Flores to be on Big Brother: Over the Top. Who has your vote?

Who the f— is Jason? F— Jason! Put Jozea on there! That mother f—er is really over the top! Jozea will win. Jozea is crazy, put him on it! 

Were you surprised Paul didn’t win the game? Was the jury really bitter? Does Jozea or Jason have your vote for Big Brother OTT? Sound off in the comments section below.

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Brian Porreca

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‘Big Brother: Over the Top’ Schedule Revealed; Winner to be Decided by America

September 21, 2016 7:05pm PT by Brian Porreca

Fans will get to not only vote for the winner of 'Big Brother OTT,' but they will also vote on whether Jozea Flores or Jason Roy get to re-enter the game.

Courtesy of CBS

Fans will get to not only vote for the winner of ‘Big Brother OTT,’ but they will also vote on whether Jozea Flores or Jason Roy get to re-enter the game.

As Big Brother season 18 comes to an end, Big Brother: Over The Top is just around the corner. Ahead of the digital edition’s Sept. 28 launch on CBS All Access, producers used Wednesday’s season 18 finale to unveil new details about Over the Top, including the weekly schedule and and how the winner will be determined. 

Check out the full list below:

The winner will be chosen by fans.

While some Big Brother legends like Evel Dick Donato and Dan Gheesling had to fight their way to the end and win the game based on how they played that season, there’s a new twist in how the digital edition’s winner will be chosen. Instead of a nine-person jury, the winner will be determined by fans nationwide. And that’s not all. Fans will have more power than ever before in terms of nominations, evictions and game-changing twists. More details will be revealed when the Big Brother: Over The Top season kicks off on Sept. 28.

Live diary room sessions.

Will fans get to see another diary room queen like Da’Vonne Rogers? Yes, and instead of what appears to be scripted diary room sessions, fans will get to watch a live look at the diary room confessionals on Tuesdays and Fridays at 10:30 p.m. ET/7:30 p.m. PT. 

Jozea or Jason? 

CBS All Access subscribers will get the chance to elect one former houseguest to re-enter the game and play on Big Brother: Over The Top. The choices? Season 18’s self-proclaimed messiah, Jozea Flores, and Big Brother historian and fan favorite, Jason Roy. 

Episode schedule.

There will be a rundown of the week’s events, followed by the live eviction ceremony and HoH competition beginning on Wednesdays at 10 p.m. ET/ 7 p.m. PT. A quick recap of all the crucial moments that happened throughout the day will be available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 10 p.m., ET/7 p.m., PT. The HoH will reveal the houseguests who are safe for that week on Saturdays and Sundays at 10 p.m., ET/7 p.m., PT, , with the live reveal of nominations will also set for Sundays.

Will you be tuning in to Big Brother: Over The Top? What did you think about how Big Brother 18 ended? Sound off in the comments section below and stay tuned to THR’s Facebook for a live Q&A with the season 18 winner. 

Big Brother

Brian Porreca

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