‘Big Brother 17’: Julie Chen Talks Disliking “BB Takeover,” Why Show Has Never Been Nominated for Emmy

September 17, 2015 6:38pm PT by Brian Porreca

The reality series host talked to The Hollywood Reporter about a season of twists and firsts and stellar ratings.  Monty Brinton/CBS

The reality series host talked to The Hollywood Reporter about a season of twists and firsts and stellar ratings.

This season of Big Brother made history with it’s first transgender houseguest, a “Twin Twist” like no other, and saw ratings gold all summer long. On Thursday afternoon Big Brother host Julie Chen sat down with The Hollywood Reporter and a small group of reporters for a discussion on season seventeen of the CBS’ hit summer staple.

“I do love this game. My husband and I talk about it all day long,” she told reporters.  On Austin‘s ponytail beard: “It’s dreadful to be honest. It’s just so bad and I was trying not to stare at it because I knew if I stared at it too long it would be uncomfortable and I would lose my focus.” And how Zingbot is the new Don Rickles:  “Other than with Don Rickles I’ve never seen people want to be “zinged” or insulted. I know Don Rickles now and anytime I see him I’m like, ‘Come on, come on say something racist. Say something insulting. And he does! And my husband and I just laugh. I kind of have that same kind of sense of humor with Zingbot.”

Below are the questions asked by THR at the intimate roundtable discussion with the host of the twist-after-twist reality series. 

This question comes from producers Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan: Is there any chance you will be willing to be the Godmother to the “Brenchel” baby?

(Laughs). Describe the duties, number one. It would in an odd way be an honor and I’m leaning more yes than no. Depends on how time consuming it would be. I feel like in some ways I am the fairy Godmother to all of the houseguests and their future children. 

Do you know if former houseguests have reached out to Allison and Rich asking to be on the show again and pitching themselves?

I think Jessie [Godderz] does. He’s a good sport. Some do and some do the opposite. Some are like, ‘Hey, you need me for anything I’m here for you for life. I would love to be on the show again, I would love to be a houseguest again. I’d love to host a competition, anything you can use me for.’ Others are like, ‘I need to move on with my life.’

Do you think there will ever be an all showmance season? Past showmances, whether they survived outside of the house or not?

We certainly have enough people to do it. I would love to see that, that being said I bet you it would be a nightmare to book. I can just imagine some of the demands that people have, which is unfortunate. You get a little. .  .some of the houseguests get a little taste of fame and star treatment and suddenly the demands can get quite long.

Going off that how do you determine which houseguests are playing for fame and which are actually there for the game?

It’s pretty clear when you see the conversations that happen in the house. Even Austin was pretty candid about it during my eviction interview with him. He was like, ‘Look I’m 30, I’m a performer how do I take my career to the next level?’ He can’t be body slamming for another ten years. If people play their cards right they could potentially. . . I mean look at Jeff Schroeder. They could create a career for themselves out of the Big Brother fame they receive. 

 You compared Vanessa to Dr. Will, why don’t you think she owns that she is this strategic player like Dan, Derrick and Dr. Will have done in the past?

I think it’s a little bit more difficult for women to say that they are the villain. I think women have this thing where at the end of the day they want to be liked and that’s what she’s feeling. I don’t think she wants to be booed by the public and that’s why she’s not taking ownership for all her evil doings. 

Would fans be rooting for her more if she was more open about her game plan?

Yes, if she played more like Danielle did in season three where every minute she went in that diary room she laughed and had the devil horns. I think people would think she’s a hero, but because she’s being kind of weasely about it people are like, ‘No that’s not what we see, that’s not cool.’

What do you think she likes more: crying or saying the word ‘deal’?

(Laughs). I think it’s a toss up. Probably crying, but she’s good at it because although we as viewers can tell those are crocodile tears it works in the house. It’s very effective. People see what they want to see and they believe what they want to believe and you’d have to be pretty heartless with a woman in full tears asking you for forgiveness or asking you for sympathy. It’s just human nature.

Is her beanie a tribute to Derrick from last season?

I never thought that! (Laughs). No, I think it’s her. She’s not thinking about Derrick. She’s probably like, ‘Derrick who?’

You don’t think James could beat Johnny Mac for “America’s Favorite Houseguest”?

James is very well liked, but he’s been off the show, out of the house for too many weeks now. He’ll probably be second, but I think he’ll be a distant second. 

After Julia picked Austin in the veto competition could she have gone back and picked someone else?

That’s an excellent question. I don’t know the answer to that. Fifty percent of my brain says, ‘Absolutely not!’ And the other fifty percent thinks, ‘But why not?’ They didn’t start the clock yet. If she played it off like it was the slip of the tongue then she probably could have.

Has there ever been a twist you weren’t a fan of? 

I didn’t love at the beginning of the season the “BB Takeover.” I didn’t like it. It wasn’t clear what we were trying to accomplish. I felt like, ‘What does that mean? A person can takeover? An element can takeover?’ Anytime we don’t trust the game enough just to be pure game is when we get into trouble. I didn’t understand it.

The Emmy’s are on Sunday and Big Brother has never even been nominated. Why do you think that is?

I think it’s a combination of reasons. When we first launched it was in the shadow of Survivor. Season one was not very good for many reasons, which is why the rules completely changed for season two. When we had America do a kind of American Idol vote off what I learned quickly was we as Americans don’t like discomfort and we vote out the most interesting people. That allowed the houseguests to hide behind it. We were the kind of “also ran” [show]. We were like the poor man’s Survivor. We were this poorly lit, odd little show from the Netherlands that had Ikea looking furniture, clinical looking lighting. It didn’t have the sexiness of Survivor. Voters still look at us like a trashy little summer reality show. It’s been 17 seasons, when they don’t announce our name I tell the same joke every year. I go, ‘We was robbed.’ There are some people out there that love to hate the show and love to hate the Chenbot. I have my critics out there. 

Did you not like the “BB Takeover”? What do you think about past houseguests trying to get back on the show? Will James really not win “America’s Favorite Houseguest”? Chat about it in the comments below and stay tuned to The Live Feed for all things Big Brother.

The Big Brother season finale airs Wednesday September 23 at 9:30 pm on CBS.

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Brian Porreca

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‘Big Brother 17’: Eighth Juror Zings the Final Three Houseguests

September 17, 2015 12:19pm PT by Brian Porreca

The rockstar dentist talks to THR the day after his eviction.  Courtesy of CBS

The rockstar dentist talks to THR the day after his eviction.

Once evicted always evicted as the rock star dentist Johnny Mac proves that a second chance in playing Big Brother does not grant you a seat in the final three. The Pennsylvania native and comic relief of this season did make it further than any other returning juror in season’s past so he does deserve some credit. The day after his eviction, he tells The Hollywood Reporter about getting on the show, his relationship with Becky and who he thinks had the best diary room sessions of the summer. 

(Disclosure: Because the nine-person jury is underway, houseguests will now answer questions via email from THR. It’s stipulated that questions cannot in any way be a potential interference to the game and are required to be approved by production before given to the houseguests.)

Which houseguest this season do you think had the most entertaining diary room sessions? Why?

I feel like pretty much everyone in there could have done well but didn’t understand they had to give it a little extra in the diary room.  They’re really funny people.  If I had to pick one, I’d say Austin because he understood the theatrics of the show.  If how he acted in the house was how he acted in the diary room, I think he’d be hilarious. 

How do you decide who to vote for out of the remaining three houseguests?

This is something I’ve been thinking about for a couple of hours now and it’s tough.  I’m either going to give it to the person who played a strategic game or just vote for the other person.

Was there ever any romance for Becky and will you pursue her outside of the game?

Becky and I are very good friends and she’s definitely attractive, hilarious and stupid which is awesome.  But I think our lives are very different and because we tried to stay separated in the house, we didn’t bond that way.  I don’t think we’d try to pursue a relationship outside of the house or anything like that.

What is your best advice to someone applying to be on next season of Big Brother?

Just say whatever’s in your head at all times.  Don’t think about it and just let it out! Don’t care about how dumb you look or what people think of you. Just go for it!

What do you think was it about you that got you on the show?

In my videos, I was always high energy.  Maybe the volume is a bit much but I can’t separate volume from energy.  If I’m going to be high energy, I’m going to be high volume too. I say a lot of dumb things when I’m not thinking about what I’m saying.  Not a lot of dentists are like this – they’re normally very uptight.  Also, have really good stories to tell, and even if it’s not a good story, tell it in a way that will make it sound like the best story ever. 

If you could be Zingbot right now, give your best “zing” to the each of the remaining three houseguests.

The only person whose worse at picking up on the fact that they’re being made fun of during an eviction speech more than Steve is Liz…zing!

Vanessa – For being a super genius that remembers everything, you seem to forget a lot of conversations…zing!

Steve – Mom can’t force the jury to give you half a million dollars…zing!

Which houseguest did you have the hardest time getting along with this season? Why?

On a personal level, I probably had the hardest time with the twins.  It seems like they live the party, Miami lifestyle and that’s just something I have no interest in.  It’s really tough to fake being interested in most of the things that come out of their mouth. 

Who are you rooting for to make it to final two Why?

Game player in me says Steve and Vanessa have played harder and deserve to be there more.   

Will you apply to be on next season of Big Brother? What would your zing be to the final three houseguests? Who is going to win the game? Sound off in the comments below and stay tuned to The Live Feed for all things Big Brother

The Big Brother finale airs Wednesday, September 23 at 9:30pm on CBS. 

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Brian Porreca

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‘Big Brother 17’: Beast Mode, Baby On Board and A Houseguest Bounces to Jury

September 16, 2015 6:15pm PT by Brian Porreca

Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas return to the game with some exciting news before the final three is determined.  Courtesy of CBS

Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas return to the game with some exciting news before the final three is determined.

Vanessa is left to do damage control and plot her path to the final three,” says host Julie Chen about last night’s blindside eviction. “I am just banking on the fact that she doesn’t totally hate me,” Vanessa says about trying to patch the pieces with Liz after sending the twin’s boyfriend out the door.


Liz realizes she’s alone in the game and Vanessa may be all she’s got. The Miami twin’s fate is in the professional poker player’s hands has Vanessa has to decide which houseguest to evict and who to face off against in the final three. 

Here are the biggest moments from the night that gave the professional poker player all the power: 

Hats off, shoes off. Julia questions the correct way to say the common phrase “hats off” right before her potential, future brother-in-law walks in the jury house. It’s shoes off for him as he makes the trek into jury, barefoot. Before he entered the jury house Shelli said,  “Five deserving winners I absolutely agree.” The other jury members seemed to agree that it could be anyone’s game. After Austin entered the jury though tempers flare as Austin’s bitterness battled Shelli’s respect for Vanessa’s game. “She said it with no mercy,” James said about Vanessa evicting Austin. “You cannot deny what an amazing game she has played,” Shelli defends Vanessa. “I can tell you a million reasons why it was flawed,” argued Austin. He may taint the jury, but it still seems like one thing is for certain and that is each remaining player has an equal shot of winning the half million dollar prize.

Big Brother baby. The first showmance of the series to get married, is now the first to spawn a Big Brother baby. Rachel Reilly and husband Brendon Villegas (Seasons 12, 13) stopped by to announce their big baby news. They also weighed in on this season: “There are no floaters at the end, it’s really interesting,” Rachel told Chen. And on Liz and Austin’s survival outside of the game? “I think Austin is going to give it a shot and as long as Liz doesn’t get caught in the after BB world. I’m rooting for Liztin!” Rachel said right before the married couples big news: “No one comes in between me and my man, except a Brenchel baby!”


Beast mode ninja. “You are the hottest ninja ever!” Liz tells Caleb Reynolds who came in fourth place last season. The players play the “Martial Smarts” veto competition and one player’s plan backfired. Steve said in the diary room, “I can win this thing, use it on Johnny and send Vanessa out the door,” but the professional poker player wound up victorious, winning the veto and sending Johnny Mac out the door.  

Second time is not a charm. Once evicted, always evicted as Johnny Mac proves that a second chance back in the game does not help anyone’s chances of actually winning. “If they came to hear me beg, they will be disappointed,” Johnny Mac tells the houseguests in his eviction speech. “No I would have evicted her!” Johnny Mac told Chen with laughter about evicting Vanessa if he had the chance tonight. While he was not able to evict the Vegas resident or win the game he still does have a shot at “America’s Favorite Houseguest” and $25,000. But will he win? “Do you live your life like this outside the house?” Chen asked him about his hyper behavior inside and outside the game. Will his unique personality help write him the check for $25,000? Fans will find out the answer as the new Big Brother winner is crowned on September 23 at 9:30 pm on CBS.

Who will win “America’s Favorite Houseguest? Who has your vote? Which houseguest will win part one of the HoH competition? Sound off in the comments section below and check back in tomorrow for Johnny Mac’s eviction interview.

Big Brother

Brian Porreca

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