‘Big Brother 18’: Julie Chen Opens Up About the Secret Room and the Future of “Battle Back”

July 26, 2016 11:30am PT by Brian Porreca

THR spoke with the host to talk all things 'Big Brother'. Sonja Flemming/CBS

THR spoke with the host to talk all things ‘Big Brother’.

This season of Big Brother season 18 runs for 99 days and so far there has been twist, after twist, after twist.

The first came with this season’s cast announcement in what was coined as a semi-twist where the siblings of former players Vanessa Rousso and Cody Calafiore were given a crack at the $500,000 prize. Next was the move to insert four returning players, Nicole Franzel, James Huling, Da’Vonne Rogers and Frank Eudy, back in the game. Then the houseguests were informed that they would be playing in teams this season. And that wasn’t all. The houseguests were then clued in on the “BB Roadkill” where there would be three nominees this summer. Most recently, on Friday, the “Battle Back” twist was finally revealed to the remaining houseguests as Victor Arroyo made his return to the game. Is everyone all caught up?

And that’s not all. There’s one more twist this season in the form of the secret room. (Although the results have already been revealed on the live feeds, they haven’t made it to air yet so no spoilers here.) To get the inside scoop on the latest twist and more, The Hollywood Reporter spoke with host Julie Chen.

How would you rate the “Battle Back” twist compared to twists from past seasons?

I think it’s great because we’ve never had someone who was evicted so early on get to be back in the house. It usually plays out after the first half of the summer is over and, especially for the first person evicted every summer, we hardly get to know that person. To give them that second shot — unfortunately for Glenn [Garcia], he just didn’t have it in him to beat Jozea [Flores].

I felt so bad for Glenn!

I know! He’s a good guy, especially the way he got evicted, it was such a photo finish between him and Corey. It wasn’t like he was terrible at it and was in dead last. So I would’ve liked to see Glenn get back in the house and see how that would have shaken up the game. 

Would you want the “Battle Back” to return for future seasons? 

I don’t know if I would… I wouldn’t repeat this twist because it’s too specific to a one-time gag. You can have other things that will impact the game in just as big of a way, but to have it exactly as “Battle Back,” no, I just don’t see us doing it again. 

With the results of Victor getting back in the game, it seems like it will further Paul’s game more than Victor’s. Do you agree?

No! I don’t think it’s going to. I think it could hurt Paul because Victor is not playing the smartest game and he is also coming back in with a little bit of a target on his back. Not much has changed; the same reason they wanted him out before they’re going to want him out again. So Paul has to be careful with being too loyal and playing too closely aligned with Victor. If anything this is going to be problematic for Paul. 

With the summer being 99 days, do you see a returning juror twist too? 

The “Battle Back” was enough and once you’re also on the jury, you’re tainted because you’re living together. With “Battle Back,” they were sequestered separately so we could not have a juror come back. 

Had it not been Frank, James, Da’Vonne and Nicole as the returning players this season, who would you have wanted to come back? 

That’s easy! Janelle [Pierzina], for sure! Evel Dick [Donato]. I always liked Dr. Will [Kirby] and the fourth one, let me think about that… well, Will and Mike Boogie are funny together so I guess they’re kind of a package deal!

Would they have played a better game than the returning players we have this season?

Dr. Will definitely would have because we’ve seen him win it once and take it so far the second time. Janelle we know is so good at competitions, so yes. I’m not sure about Evel Dick. Mike Boogie won it once. So you got two former winners definitely and Janelle, who we’ve seen win competition after competition and not have to be a phony and suck up to people she doesn’t like. Wait a minute, Evel Dick, he won also! So yes, that’s an all-star team coming back if it was those four. 

Who did you think would discover the secret room?

Part of me [thought] it would be one of the returners since they are just so much more savvy, but out of all of them, James isn’t particularly competitive. I thought it would be Frank. 

Did you think he had enough time to find the secret room for the live eviction?

Well, that’s the question! 

Who were you rooting for to discover it?

Not Frank! That I can tell you. I was rooting for a while for Da’Vonne, but now I don’t think she’s the most loyal.

You said it best, Tiffany is emotional just like her sister. Paulie, is a flirt just like his brother. Now Tiffany is evicted, but which of them has played the most like their Big Brother sibling?

Tiffany played it more like Vanessa [Rousso]. Paulie is playing a better and harder game on his own. Cody [Calafiore] was just Derrick [Levasseur’s] first lieutenant. He had this Big Brother figure in the house guiding the ship. Paulie is playing his own game. Whereas Tiffany, being emotional, crying a lot — that is like Vanessa, but Vanessa was much more skilled at playing people and talking her way out of situations and using emotion as a weapon to get farther.

Your husband, CBS chairman, president and CEO Les Moonves, was rooting for James last season. Does he have a favorite this season?

No. Probably still James, he loves that guy!

Who are you now rooting for this season?

I do still like James this season, but it’s hard to root for someone who you don’t feel is that motivated to win. I think James is just in it to have fun this summer, just for like summer vacation. He doesn’t seem like he cares if he wins it or not so he’s not that hungry. I’m rooting for Paulie at this point! He’s playing a smart game, he’s pretty level-headed, he’s good at winning competitions and he’s well liked in the house. He seems like a decent kid.

Is Paulie playing a better game than Cody? What would a season with Janelle, Evel Dick, Dr. Will and Mike Boogie look like? Would you watch? Who are you rooting for this season? Sound off in the comments section below and stay tuned to The Live Feed for all things Big Brother

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‘Big Brother 18’: Battle Back Winner Revealed

July 22, 2016 6:21pm PT by Brian Porreca

THR breaks down the most dramatic moments from the show's first ever "Battle Back" episode. Johnny Vy/CBS

THR breaks down the most dramatic moments from the show’s first ever “Battle Back” episode.

“Tonight we make history,” Julie Chen says about Big Brother’s first-ever “Battle Back” episode. And then the CBS summer staple did. 

In the show’s fourth outing this week there were more twists, new competitions and a another secret revealed only to America by Chen. What’s the big secret? Keep reading as The Hollywood Reporter breaks down the “Battle Back” rounds and the most twisted moments from Friday night’s episode. 

Round One. Glenn jogs out to the first “Battle Back” competition looking like Rocky Balboa. Yes, #GlennisRocky. “I got a hard head and I don’t like to lose,” says Glenn.

“He’s a slow turtle. When you’re battling someone like me you need to pick up the pace,” says the self-proclaimed messiah, Jozea about his competitor. “I can’t afford it,” Glenn says about taking the long way instead of the short way in the reused log competition. Similar to the berry head of household that Paulie won earlier this season, the competition is almost identical.

But, there’s a twist. In this competition there’s a poison berry a player can use to wipe out their first row of berries. It has to be used before their competitor locks in ten berries. “No, no, no not today Glenn,” Jozea says about this season’s oldest houseguest trying to use the poison berry. “It’s time to do some sabotage” Jozea says as payback when he uses the poison berry. “Time to put this old dog out of his misery.” And sadly, for Glenn, Jozea does. Jozea wins round one and viewers see Glenn on the show one last time. 

Round Two. “I’m freaking ready!” Victor says. “I guess I have to battle my best friend Jozea to get back in the house,” he adds. “It’s sparkly just like myself,” Jozea says about not wanting to give up his “Battle Back” champion belt. “Jozea tossing his balls in my face … not a good picture,” Victor jokes about the competition that requires them to bounce tennis balls in order to knock out their competitor. “I need a ball boy,” Jozea says as he snaps requesting for help picking up his balls on the other side of the net.

“Your boy won,” a flexing Victor says in the diary room meaning that’s the last of this seaon’s most delusional houseguest Jozea. Will the show ever bring him back for another season? Doubtful. Very doubtful. 

Round Three. “Girl power, girl power! I got this,” an over-excited Bronte says before announcing her dream of reuniting the Spy Girls. “As much as I love you I don’t want to give you this belt. It looks really good on me!” Victor says in the diary room. Bronte then tells him that no one in the house likes him, “buddy.” “It’s time for me to turn in my exam and see if I got an A,” Bronte says about buzzing in. Unfortunately for her first try it was a flunk because Victor aced it. “I guess honesty doesn’t get you very far in the Big Brother house,” Bronte says before America says goodbye to her. Her best moment tonight, was tipping off Victor not to trust anyone. 

Round Four. “Please let it not be Victor,” Tiffany says during anticipating her competitor. “It’s time to do battle for the last time,” Julie tells them. Welcome to a Big Brother rave. “The electric BB festival is off the hizzy,” the voiceover says about the musical line up including last season’s Wackstreet Boys and Jeff and the clown shoes. There’s also a zingbot zing along making this competition one of the most entertaining this season. “Nothing is going to stop me,” Tiffany says about the puzzle competition. And the winner is? Victor. After beasting through three competitions he has earned his way back in the game. “I’m sorry Tiffany your summer is officially over,” Julie tells a sad Tiffany who plants a seed for him to trust Frank. Uh oh.

The Reaction. “At least you thought their games came to an end. You all know our motto, expect the unexpected,” Julie Chen tells the houseguests. “This is going to be awkward,” says James. “Damn it I evicted two of them!” says Paulie before the big reveal. After the nail biter the “Puerto Rican sensation” struts back into the game. There are hugs and a loud applause for his return, but the backstabbing hasn’t even begun. Besides the reveal of Victor’s return, Chen had another surprise for America. The secret room. If a houseguest uncovers the clues to the secret room in the house they will gain a special power. 

Who will win the special power? Were you excited for Victor’s return to the game? Who will he target and who will be the next houseguest evicted? Battle back about it in the comments section below and stay tuned to The Live Feed for all things Big Brother

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Brian Porreca

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‘House of Cards’ Season 5 Predictions: Where the Netflix Drama Can Go From Here

March 22, 2016 9:00am PT by Brian Porreca

New revelations, romance and rivals could hit the screen of the fifth season of 'House of Cards.'  Courtesy of Netflix

New revelations, romance and rivals could hit the screen of the fifth season of ‘House of Cards.’

[Warning: This story contains spoilers from House of Cards‘ fourth season.]

In the opening scene of House of Cards’ fourth season, Lucas Goodwin (Sebastian Arcelus) made a surprise return to the series — the first of many shocks the soapy political drama revealed during its latest 13 chapters.

Next up was the attempted assassination of antihero Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) by the hands of Goodwin. The failed attempt resulted in the death of Goodwin and one of the show’s most popular characters, Meechum (Nathan Darrow). (Looks like there won’t be another threesome starring the tight-lipped Secret Service agent.)

While the assassination attempt didn’t kill Underwood — you didn’t think it would, did you? — two characters from the vicious, fictitious president’s past were brought back onscreen: Zoe Barnes (Kate Mara) and Peter Russo (Corey Stoll). No they aren’t alive, but both returns brought a twist the show has not used before.

Halfway through the season fans were introduced to Frank’s new political rival Will Conway (Joel Kinnaman), but the young lad was not the biggest threat to Francis. Another surprise return was that of Zoe’s former boss at the Washington Herald, Tom Hammerschmidt (Boris McGiver), who exposed Underwood’s corrupt path to the presidency.

Other twists and turns that hit Washington, D.C., during season four included first lady Claire Underwood (Robin Wright) taking the seat as vice president, Leann Harvey’s (Neve Campbell) arrival as “Lady Stamper,” and Claire’s new romance with Yates (Paul Sparks) that even got the stamp of approval from her very own husband.

With all of these returns and revelations the question next for the series is: Where to go from here? Here The Hollywood Reporter breaks down what the already ordered season five might look like when it premieres next spring.

The affair ends here.

Frank gave his blessing for Claire and Yates’ romance, but how long can that relationship really last? The only action Frank got in season four was in a delusion with two people he killed, Barnes and Russo. There was little love for Underwood, so to live a life alone while his wife is traveling around the country jumping into bed with the author might stir up some major conflict. The scenario can turn out two ways. The first: Frank finds his own “companion” and is undistracted by the fact that his first lady, wife and vice president is sleeping with another man. The second: The president marks Yates as his next victim and eliminates him completely from the picture. It could very well be the latter, especially if Yates causes problems for the Underwoods. Frank might not be the one to pull the trigger though. It very well could be an already concerned Harvey who sends the writer packing.

The face-off of the century.

Season four built up the tension between Frank’s right-hand man Doug Stamper (Michael Kelly) and Claire’s No. 1 ally, Leann, so what’s next for these two? First there may be romance, and then there may be bloodshed. It won’t be long before the two rivals connect romantically, and after that Stamper will grow attached, leaving Harvey with the upper hand. So when Frank and Claire duel next time, Stamper may be so distracted by his new obsession that Claire could win her next battle against her husband. If that scenario doesn’t happen, the two might realize they are the oil that keeps the Underwood machine running and abandon their loyalty to the first couple in order to take their own seats of power. They will be rivals, potential lovers and could even unite in season five.

The beginning of the end.

If this season is the last of the series, then Frank Underwood’s days are numbered. His wife, Claire, has secured her seat as vice president and is now “one heartbeat away from the presidency.” It won’t be long before the two will go toe-to-toe again, and this time Claire will seal both of their fates. By eliminating her husband, she will have learned from the best and will be the next president. And if she fails, it looks like Frank will have to eliminate her instead, leaving him alone with Stamper and a box of tissues.

New characters, casting predictions.

So by now it’s obvious that the show’s fourth season utilized the power of new characters to twist up the political game. When the Underwoods thought they were winning, they began to lose. When they thought they were going to lose it all, they became desperate. At the end of season four they are more vulnerable than ever, leaving the opportunity for new players to turn their lives upside down. The first, a new whistle-blower, Zoe Barnes-type journalist that Frank will use in his constant scheming. She’s edgy, and when Frank thinks she’s on his side she may have the tricks up her sleeve to take him down. She can also fill the void left behind by Claire and become Frank’s new love interest. Who could play her? Rose McGowan. One reason this could come to fruition is the fact that former showrunner Beau Willimon follows the actress/director on Twitter, leaving it fair to assume that her name was tossed around in the writers room throughout the series. Next up: the head of the Secret Service. This guy brings new challenges for Stamper as he becomes Frank’s closest ally. While he poses as a wrench in the life of Doug he also mixes up Stamper’s female counterpart’s life as well. How? He’s her father. But neither he nor Leann knows it. Who does? Stamper of course, and he’ll use it to his advantage when it comes to facing off against Harvey. Who could be cast as the new addition to the White House? Billy Bob Thornton. Last but not least: Conway’s new running mate. His new vice presidential pick has to be able to match up against Claire, and if Sigourney Weaver is cast in the role she will. She’s the former governor of Texas, and with that knows all too much about the Underwoods. Enough to finally take the pair down once and for all.

Photo credit: Donato Sardella/Getty Images for Turner; Barry King/Getty Images; Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images

What do you think will happen to the Underwoods when the series returns next year? Will next season be its last? What do you think about the possible new characters joining the political thriller? Sound off in the comments below and read The Live Feed to stay up to speed on all things House of Cards.

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Brian Porreca

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