After a long summer, you may have forgotten everything that went down in the action-packed Once Upon a Time finale. Here’s a recap to brush up on before the Season 3 premiere on Sunday, Sept. 29. Massive spoilers for “And Straight on ‘til Morning,” obviously.
We begin in the past, with Bae held captive by Captain Hook.
Despite being a pirate, Hook is actually pretty chill. As far as captivities go, this could be way worse.
Bae reveals his true identity as the Dark One's son.
Which is good luck for Hook, who still stops at nothing to bring Rumplestiltskin down. Smee seems pumped, too. And then Hook says, "It's a pirate's life for you," because let's not forget this is still a Disney property.
Back in the present, Mr. Gold is about ready to go Carrie on his only grandson.
He's using his powers to break the rope swing Henry's riding and send the kid crashing into some jagged rocks. In his defense, Henry will be Gold's undoing, but still: Worst Grandpa Ever.
The bad news bearers arrive to let Gold and Henry know that Neal is dead and soon everyone else will be, too.
Emma, Mary Margaret, and David explain that Tamara shot Neal and sent him into a portal. They also stole a magical trigger that will destroy Storybrooke and everyone in it who wasn't born in this world. So hey, at least the grieving period for Neal will be short-lived.