Miley Cyrus: “I Think Weed Is The Best Drug on Earth,” But Cocaine Is “Gross”

Truth rating: 10

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Miley Cyrus loves pot and outer space, hates cocaine and Chihuahuas, and talks about everything from Trayvon Martin to Dolly Parton in newly released outtakes from her Rolling Stone cover story.

“I think weed is the best drug on earth,” says the singer. “One time I smoked a joint with peyote in it, and I saw a wolf howling at the moon. Hollywood is a coke town, but weed is so much better. And molly, too. Those are happy drugs — social drugs. They make you want to be with friends. You’re out in the open.”

But Cyrus adds, “I really don’t like coke. It’s so gross and so dark. It’s like what are you, from the ’90s? Ew.”

The performer continues to dissect the incredible fallout from her performance at last month’s MTV Video Music Awards.

“I know what I’m doing. I know I’m shocking you,” explains Cyrus.

She elaborates, “When I’m dressed in that teddy bear thing, I think that’s funny. I was saying yesterday, I had this obsession about this character that’s like an adult baby. Like if you see a baby do something like that it’s so warped and weird, but there’s something creepily hot about it. So when I’m in that teddy bear suit, I’m like a creepy, sexy baby.”

Cyrus attributes much of the outrage to simple racism.

“I didn’t really realize it, but people are still racist. It’s kind of insane. Like if I had come out [at the VMAs] with all white-girl dancers, and done the f*cking ‘Cha Cha Slide’ — same outfit, same everything — it wouldn’t have been bad,” she speculates. “But because of who I came out with, people got upset. Because they were girls from the club. They had thick asses. They were twerking. That’s what I want, though — I want real girls up there who can really party.”

And Cyrus is nauseated by the media’s priorities.

She says, “What makes me kind of sick is, Trayvon Martin’s trial didn’t happen more than two months ago. It got talked about a lot — but it still got done being talked about a lot quicker than the VMAs. And that’s really sad. For about two days, it was on Twitter and everything, everyone had their pictures as Trayvon — and then two days later, where was it? Who cared anymore?”

That said, Cyrus wants to be in the public eye.

The singer explains, “It’s hard to take a break. It’s almost depressing when you’re not working. You’re so used to people calling your name, and that energy, and when you don’t have it anymore… That’s why I never complain about people wanting autographs or pictures. Because if there were a few days where no one asked, I’d probably be like ‘What the f*ck’s going on? Do people not like me?’”

Cyrus also reveals the real reason behind her most famous (non-twerking) gesture.

“I just stick my tongue out because I hate smiling in pictures,” she says. “It’s so awkward. It looks so cheesy.”

The interview was conducted shortly before Cyrus’ split from Liam Hemsworth was made public, and the star ruminates on relationships.

“It’s all a back-and-forth,” she tells Rolling Stone. “Like, when my parents are good, they’re good, and when they’re not they’re not, but they always get themselves back on track. They never put pressure on themselves. And I think that’s a better way to be. That’s how they’ve gotten themselves through everything they’ve been through.”

She adds, “The best thing my parents ever taught me is that you don’t have to be attached at the f*cking hip. You don’t have to be holding hands all the f*cking time.”

Cyrus says she looks up to Dolly Parton.

“Dolly knows what she is. She’s smart. She’s not just a blonde with big titties — she is a genius under there,” explains Cyrus. “She literally came from nothing, and now you go anywhere in the world, and they know Dolly Parton. It’s like, don’t let people’s judgment define who you are. Don’t read the comments and get nervous. Know who you are.”

And who is Cyrus?

She says, “I want to be the cool chick that everyone wants to be friends with. I want the people who watch my shows or watch my videos to be like, ‘She looks like the most fun person to hang out with ever. I want to be that girl’s best friend. I want to party with her.’”

“It’s like, if you’re hanging out with Beyoncé, it’s almost like you’re hanging out with a goddess. She’s like a real queen. It’s a different realm,” explains Cyrus. “Where my thing is kind of the opposite. My shtick is I’m the homey.”

Cyrus has big plans for her new album Bangerz (“I’m trying to set a new standard for pop music. So it has to live up.”) and beyond (“I’ve always dreamed of going into space. I’m going to go at some point. Virgin Galactic is taking a ship up next year — I’m trying to get on there right now”).

So what scares her?

“Cats are f*cking creepy. Oh my God, cats are creepy,” says Cyrus, adding, “Chihuahuas are the most scary animals on the planet. I’m terrified of Chihuahuas.”

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