‘Big Brother 15’: Final Four Set Following Special Eviction

Whose Big Brother game came to an end?

[Warning: Spoilers ahead from Wednesday's eviction episode.]

By the end of Wednesday's episode, the final four will be set, and in just one week's time, the 15th Big Brother winner will be crowned. With the season nearing its end, did the remaining houseguests' game play ramp up?

Following Spencer Clawson's Head of Household victory, ensuring him a spot in the final four, he did exactly what he set out to do, nominating non-Exterminators member McCrae Olson — his target — and GinaMarie Zimmerman for eviction. But as is usually the case on Big Brother, the original plan doesn't pan out. As Judd Daugherty realized during an HOH conversation, he is the lowest on the totem pole in regards to the Exterminators alliance, as Spencer hinted that Judd would be the replacement nominee should McCrae come down.

PHOTOS: 'Big Brother 15': Meet the Houseguests

Last season's Big Brother winner Ian Terry served as host of the superhero-themed Power of Veto competition, and what an entrance he had, swooping in from above the backyard. "It's weird being back here," Ian couldn't help but mutter. Following a heated competition, McCrae pulled out the win, solidifying his final four spot, which puts two Exterminators going up against each other. Cue the Exterminators turning on each other.

Following the POV competition, Spencer picked apart Judd's performance, questioning why Judd gave up in the middle of the veto. When Judd came up to talk to Spencer, he had an inkling that he would be the replacement nominee, and while Spencer told him nothing's set in stone, Judd decided to "raise hell." With Judd believing he will likely leave the house, Judd went a little crazy, flipping off one of the cameras, throwing food on the ground, etc.

PHOTOS: 'Big Brother 15': First Look at Brand-New House

When McCrae took himself off the block (expected) at the POV ceremony, Judd used the moment to make his stand clear, by making it known to everyone that he was still after McCrae. "I'm still after you," Judd said to McCrae before the ceremony ended. (What?) "Wowzers," McCrae said as he kicked the veto box following the ceremony. Did Judd just cement his eviction?

The Vote Breakdown

Andy - Judd
McCrae - Judd

For the second time this season, Judd was evicted from the Big Brother house. In his post-eviction chat with host Julie Chen, Judd told Chen that he "left a message in the Bible" to encourage McCrae. When Judd left the house, he told the final four that he was voting for Andy and Spencer, which was just reverse psychology, he said. "I guess GinaMarie," Judd said of his choice to win the game out of the final four, saying that he underestimated her.

The HOH Competition

Perhaps the most important HOH competition, in "Before or After," GinaMarie, Andy Herren and McCrae managed to be in a three-way tie by the end of the last question. Who won the tiebreaker? Andy.

Who should Andy nominate and who do you think he should target for eviction?

Big Brother next airs Thursday at 9 p.m. on CBS.

E-mail: Philiana.Ng@THR.com
Twitter: @insidethetube

Philiana Ng