‘Big Brother 15’: Eighth Houseguest Evicted, Jury Twist Revealed

Whose Big Brother game came to end?

[Warning: Spoilers ahead from Thursday's live eviction.]

Following last week's stunning double eviction, which led to a blindside of one of the most liked houseguests this season, the eighth evictee — and third member of the jury — was ousted out of the game.

After Andy Herren won Head of Household, his sights were sight on getting Jessie Kowalski out of the house, but he found himself in a tough position, trying to keep the charade of playing both sides of the house. After putting up "safe" nominees Jessie and Spencer Clawson on the block ("safe" from Helen Kim's perspective), Andy and his true allies (Amanda Zuckerman, Aaryn Gries and McCrae Olson) concocted a plan to have Helen win Power of Veto to ensure Jessie leave — but the plan went awry, prompting Andy to take matters into his own hands and win POV himself, keeping noms the same.

PHOTOS: 'Big Brother 15': Meet the Houseguests

While the plan was still to evict Jessie, she started to get suspicious that she was the target due to Helen and Elissa Slater's actions. After Jessie confronted Helen about why she backtracked on the plan to go after Amanda (Helen kept denying but it was clear she was on board), Jessie declared that she would blow everyone's game up before she left the house after overhearing Aaryn saying everyone was lying to her face. After GinaMarie Zimmerman relayed Jessie's conversation in the HOH room, Aaryn — who was present — started mouthing off to GinaMarie, causing a massive verbal fight.

The Vote Breakdown

Amanda - Jessie
McCrae - Jessie
Aaryn - Jessie
Helen - Jessie
Elissa - Jessie
GinaMarie - Jessie

By a unanimous vote of 6-0, Jessie was the latest houseguest to be voted out of the house. But as was teased earlier in the episode, the previous three evicted houseguests are still part of the game, with viewers speculating that Judd Daughtery, Jessie or Candice Stewart could possibly return.

PHOTOS: 'Big Brother 15': First Look at Brand-New House

In Jessie's post-eviction interview with Julie Chen, Jessie addressed why she became so confrontational and felt it was important "to make an impression in some way" and "mix things up a little bit." To hear Jessie tell it, the chaos she caused was successful. "I think that there is now doubt about some people, specifically Helen," Jessie told Chen, hinting that she'd like to see an Amanda-Helen battle.

The HOH Competition

In a face-off competition "Way Off Broadway," the houseguests are tasked with identifying a Broadway-style tune that described a past competition. After several rounds, it came down to Amanda vs. Aaryn. The next HOH crowned is: Aaryn.

The Jury 'Twist'

Before the episode ended, Chen revealed that for the first time on a U.S. Big Brother season, a juror will have the ability to compete to return to the house in next week's live Thursday eviction. With Judd, Candice, Jessie and the next evictee fighting for a shot to go back into the game.

Are you happy with the evicted houseguest? Who do you think Aaryn should put up for eviction? If Aaryn makes it to Final 2, would she have a good shot at winning based on competition wins? What do you think about a jury member coming back into the house?

Big Brother next airs Sunday at 8 p.m. on CBS.

E-mail: Philiana.Ng@THR.com
Twitter: @insidethetube

Philiana Ng