‘Breaking Bad’: 15 Things We Learned From Aaron Paul’s Reddit AMA

Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul (Jesse Pinkman) has followed in co-star Bryan Cranston's footsteps and took to Reddit to answer burning questions from his fans and fundraise for a good cause.

Paul is raising money through Omaze.com for his wife Lauren's anti-bullying organization, Kind Campaign. One lucky Breaking Bad fan will win a trip to Los Angeles to party with the cast at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery screening of the finale.

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Cranston recently used Omaze.com to raise $301,000 for The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children -- with one Redditor winning an RV ride to the Los Angeles premiere with the cast.

Below find 15 of Paul's best responses. Be warned: answer 15 is a possible spoiler.

1. What show would he like to act on other than Breaking Bad?

"I would say it's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, or Game of Thrones or House of Cards," Paul wrote. "They are so badass and addicting."

2. What is his favorite Breaking Bad scene?

"I have so many favorites, but the first thing that comes to mind right now is the infamous dinner scene with Mr. and Mrs. White," Paul wrote. "I think the glass of water became Jesse's security blanket in a way, and I love that about that scene. But there's been so many fun scenes to shoot. Anytime I, as Jesse Pinkman, can release my pent-up anger toward Walt is always a good time. So the time that Jesse shows up to Walt's house thinking that Walt poisoned Brock, and he puts a gun to his head ... That was a lot of fun."

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3. What was the most emotionally difficult Breaking Bad scene to shoot?

"When Jesse woke up and found Jane lying next to him dead," Paul wrote. "Looking at Jane through Jesse's eyes that day was very hard and emotional for all of us. When that day was over, I couldn't be happier that it was over because I really, truly felt I was living those tortured moments with Jesse. So yeah, bitch, that's the one."

4. Do people come up to him on the street and say "hey, bitch!"?

"Yes, I get called 'bitch' on a daily basis, and yes, I do think I'll get called 'bitch' on a daily basis for years to come. But to be honest, I don't really mind because I like being called 'bitch,'" Paul wrote.

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5. Paul was nearly kicked out of a Radiohead concert last year. What was up with that?

"They tried to kick me out because I was standing up and dancing and at the O2 Arena, if you're in the stands, you have to be seated," Paul wrote. "The very next day I went to the concert and convinced everyone in my row and the row in front of us to stand and dance during a song and it created a wave-like effect. Everyone was dancing, and they couldn't stop us all. So f--k you, O2 Arena!

6. A former meth user asked Paul if he'd hung around addicts to prepare for the show.

"First of all, good for you for stopping," Paul wrote. "Secondly, yes I spent a lot of time with former addicts and people that were using at that moment. I wanted to try and bring as much honesty to this character as I could, and I saw a darker side to people that I've never witnessed before. Meth is a terrible drug, as you know, and has the ability to grab a hold of you tightly. So, seriously, good for you."

7. Has playing Jesse affected him psychologically?

"I actually have found myself, while shooting Breaking Bad, thinking as Jesse," Paul wrote. "While playing this character I have tried to really get inside his head. And as any Breaking Bad fan knows, it can be difficult to live and breathe as Jesse. But I have enjoyed living and growing through his struggles. And all I want to do is protect him."

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8. How does he feel about the ending of Breaking Bad?

"I never wanted Breaking Bad to end, simply because I'm a huge fan of the show, and I didn't want to be unemployed. But after reading the final eight episodes and understanding where the writers are going with it, I'm so happy they ended it the way they did, and I think all of you will be happy, as well. It's a dark, crazy ride to the final episode, but it is a fun one. Yeah, bitch.

9. Was he a fan of Cranston's old show, Malcolm in the Middle?

"Absolutely," Paul wrote. "And Hal was my favorite character on the show. So when I was auditioning for BB, I knew they were getting the goofy dad from Malcolm in the Middle to play Walter White, which confused me. But I was also very excited at the chance to work with Bryan."

10. Could he make meth in real life?

"Absolutely not! I'd kill us all and blow us all up."

11. What was the funniest prank someone pulled on set?

"Oh, wow, the list is really endless, to be honest," Paul wrote. "Bryan Cranston squirted me with a dildo-shaped squirt gun in a scene before, and that made us laugh a lot."

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12. Was he really hospitalized during shooting?

"Raymond Cruz, who played Tuco, gave me a concussion during the episode, "Grilled," where Tuco takes Walt and Jesse to his shack in the middle of nowhere where we meet the famous Uncle Tio," Paul wrote. "Tuco takes Jesse and he throws him through the screen door outside, but if you watch it back you'll notice that my head gets caught inside the wooden screen door and it flips me around and lands me on my stomach, and the door splinters into a million pieces. Raymond just thought I was acting so he continued and kicked me in the side and picked me up over his shoulder and threw me against the house. In reality, I was pretty much unconscious the other time. I kept pleading to him, saying "stop". The next thing I know, I guess I blacked out. I woke up to a flashlight in my eyes and it was our medic. And then I hopped up acting like nothing was wrong, but it appeared like I was drunk, and I kept saying "let's finish the scene," but then my eye started swelling shut, so they took me to the hospital. Just another fun day on the set of Breaking Bad!"

13. What Star Wars character would he like to be?

"It's between R2D2 and Chewbacca. Leaning towards Chewbacca ... just because I think it would be fun to be that furry and soft."

14. What did he learn from working with Cranston?

"Just going to the set and working off him every single day was a constant learning experience," Paul wrote. "I wouldn't be the actor I am today without him. I've learned that its OK to be a professional and very immature at the same time because that describes Bryan perfectly."

[Warning: the following answer may be a spoiler.]

15. Should Jesse find out Walt's role in Jane's death?

"I used to want Jesse to find out why Jane really died and that Walt was there," Paul wrote. "But now I'm not really sure if it would do any sort of benefit for Jesse. I think it would make him even sadder. I also want Walt to get what's coming to him, but to be honest ... I don't know if that's going to happen. I mean, I do know, but it may or may not."

E-Mail: Aaron.Couch@THR.com
Twitter: @AaronCouch

Aaron Couch