10 Signs You’re Having Your Quarter-Life Crisis

Oh. Terrific.

You've been daydreaming about doing something crazy.

You've been daydreaming about doing something crazy.

You don't know what you want, and you're either stuck in a job you hate or still figuring out what you want to do with your life. Should you move to Europe? Join the Peace Corps? The military? Go to grad school? Sell your belongings and take up residence in an ashram? Suddenly, all of these are sounding better than treading water where you are.

Source: flickr.com

...but you feel paralyzed by indecision.

...but you feel paralyzed by indecision.

Though you might have freedom to go or do anything, you'd almost prefer the problems of a midlife crisis — i.e., too much predictability or instability — to the weird flux of your twenties. You're scared that if you pick something, it won't bring you that fulfillment you're looking for — and then you'll be right back where you started.

Source: flickr.com

You feel increasingly nostalgic for your high school and college days.

You feel increasingly nostalgic for your high school and college days.

Remember when life was simple? You feel stuck between your childhood and your adulthood, and you long for a time when your hardest decision was what to wear to prom. (At least, that's the way your brain is filtering your teen years now, thanks to those ever-rosy nostalgia glasses.)

Source: theocmusic.co.uk

The idea of making a budget terrifies you.

The idea of making a budget terrifies you.

Not thinking about how much you're spending on Chipotle and gin and tonics might not be smart, but avoiding your money issues definitely eases the existential pain a bit. (At least until your Visa bill arrives in your inbox.)

Source: i.imgur.com

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