24 Incredible Yarnbombs From Around The World

In honor of the third annual International Yarnbombing Day, knitters and crocheters took to the streets to cover everything within reach in cozy fiber.

International Yarnboming Day was founded by Canadian fiber artist Joann Matvichuk in 2011.

International Yarnboming Day was founded by Canadian fiber artist Joann Matvichuk in 2011.

Yarnbombing is the art of making fiber graffiti (it's sometimes called guerrilla knitting or yarnstorming) and if you've ever encountered a bike or a tree wearing a sweater, that is what it is.

This piece is by Lorri Wagner Talberg.

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This year, it took place on Saturday, June 8th.

This year, it took place on Saturday, June 8th.

Although yarnbombers, not particularly concerned with restrictions, celebrated all weekend long.

In Alberta, Canada.

Source: facebook.com  /  via: facebook.com

Yarn enthusiasts hit Florida.

Yarn enthusiasts hit Florida.

By Alex Brummitt.

Source: facebook.com  /  via: facebook.com

San Jose, Costa Rica.

San Jose, Costa Rica.

Photo by Nat Sibaja.

Source: facebook.com  /  via: facebook.com

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