The Governor Of Massachusetts Got “Quite Drunk” By Himself After The Boston Manhunt

And now we know Deval Patrick (reportedly) gets tipsy after a “glass of chardonnay or two.”

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick during Game Three of the Eastern Conference Quarterfinals of the 2013 NBA Playoffs in Boston.

Via: Jared Wickerham / Getty Images

Gov. Deval Patrick gave employees at a Cambridge marketing firm details of his night after the manhunt for marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ended on April 19, according to the Boston Herald. It was a Saturday, and he had retreated to the Berkshires, where he went for a swim and then a solo dinner at Rouge, a restaurant in West Stockbridge.

"I sat in the corner and Maggie [Merelle], who runs the (restaurant), asked, 'Do you want to be near people or away from people?' I said, 'As far away as I can.' So she put in the corner, me and my book on my iPad, and she starts bringing me things. Some of them edible. In fact all the food was edible. She starts bringing me things to drink as a celebration. And by the end of the meal, I was actually quite drunk, by myself."

Merelle later told the Herald she served Patrick duck confit, french fries, soup, salad and a "glass of chardonnay or two ... He wasn't tipsy. I never would have known."

Patrick also reportedly told the firm about a phone call he got during the manhunt from President Obama, who advised him that he couldn't keep the city and its surrounding suburbs locked down forever.

"I said, 'Mr. President, I know that. ... I'm trying to sort that out now.' ...

"Look, the reason why it worked out in the end is because we found [Tsarnaev]. If we didn't find him then people would be bitching and moaning about how we kept them indoors all day."

LINK: Read the full "Herald" story on Deval Patrick's candid talk.

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