26 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re Out Of Shape

Ever get winded riding an elevator? Ever pull a muscle while tying your shoes? Yeah… I guess it's time to hit the gym again.

Day 1: Full body workout. Day 2: Walk like C3PO.

Day 1: Full body workout. Day 2: Walk like C3PO.


This is what a small flight of stairs looks like to you:

This is what a small flight of stairs looks like to you:

Via: 9wows.com

Catching a glimpse of yourself in a mirror really bums you out.

Catching a glimpse of yourself in a mirror really bums you out.

Via: reddit.com

You worry that you're too out of shape for the gym.

You worry that you're too out of shape for the gym.

Via: failgif.com

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