31 Signs You’re A Florida State Seminole

F-L-O-R-I-D-A S-T-A-T-E! Florida State, Florida State, Florida State! WOOO!

Westcott Fountain was one of the first places you visited when touring campus.

Westcott Fountain was one of the first places you visited when touring campus.

And it's one of the first places you brought out-of-towners.

Arielle Calderon

You followed tradition and jumped in the fountain on your birthday.

You followed tradition and jumped in the fountain on your birthday.

Even if it was freezing out.


It's also where you took some graduation photos.

It's also where you took some graduation photos.


Parking on campus required an ungodly amount of patience and time, and if you didn't find a spot before classes started, you said "screw it" and went home.

Parking on campus required an ungodly amount of patience and time, and if you didn't find a spot before classes started, you said "screw it" and went home.

You've probably offered to drive people to their cars in hopes of getting their spot.


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