These scenes are so bad, they're good. Plus, he's shirtless a lot.
This is a fantastically bad film called "Fear," starring Mark Wahlberg and Reese Witherspoon.
In the movie, Mark plays a kid from the super wrong side of the tracks who gets involved with a very young and naive Reese. They have some eye fucks, some sexy times, and then things get weird. And by weird, I mean Mark sleeps with Reese's BFF, and tries to kill her whole family.
Even though there are a lot of "sexy" moments, they're just a little too campy to pull off. You'll see what I mean.
The roller coaster scene...
This is a moment when Reese and Marky Mark are on a date, or whatever, and he wipes his fingers across her lips before they go for a ride.
That's hot.