‘Survivor: Caramoan’: Michael Snow Spills Secrets on the Tribal Council Shocker

It's down to just three fans on Survivor: Caramoan: Fans vs. Favorites.

On Wednesday night's episode, a shocking tribal council found a nervous Malcolm Freberg convincing Reynold Toepfer to give him his hidden immunity idol, just moments after he was planning to use it on himself -- only to see their alliance mate Michael Snow get voted out instead.

PHOTOS: Jeff Probst's 'Survivor' Picture Diary

Snow, a 44-year-old event planner from New York, had previously formed an alliance with Corinne Kaplan, who was blindsided the week before, meaning his days were numbered, but he told The Hollywood Reporter on Thursday that he was still shocked to hear host Jeff Probst call his name.

Michael -- who became the first member of the jury after being voted out -- also shared his thoughts on the impromptu idol exchange, Phillip Sheppard and being called Corinne's "gay."

The Hollywood Reporter: When did you realize you were going home?

Michael Snow: Not until [Probst] pulled out my name. Really, honestly, even when he started pulling out my name, I was like, "No, this is going to be somebody else." Not until he said Michael was voted out did I realize it was me. In retrospect, and moments later, it wasn't a surprise. I was just so into the game and playing so hard, I didn't think. I wasn't playing a paranoid game. I wasn't surprised, but in the moment, I was like, "No way."

THR: What was going through your mind when Malcolm pleaded for the hidden immunity idol, and then when Reynold gave it to him?

Michael: It was a surprise. I knew that [Reynold] would probably play the idol, and I told him to. I said, "Dude, you got to play the idol. We're in trouble, and that will help us hopefully get our vote through." But when Malcolm jumped up, it was a total shock to me. I don't know if Malcolm planned that, or he was so scared he jumped up in the moment.

THR: Did you think there was any way that Malcolm could have been playing your alliance in an attempt to flush out the idol?

Michael: I don't actually remember if I ever found out the truth. At that point, it felt like he was running scared. I was wondering if Malcolm had screwed us over, but watching last night, it seemed he was running scared. It came down to the idol, and the fact that Reynold showed Dawn the idol was the key to the whole thing, them switching their vote to me. At that point, I didn't know what part Malcolm played in it with him jumping up; I didn't know if he had screwed us over.

THR: What do you think about Corinne referring to you as her "gay"?

Michael: I loved it. I mean, Corinne and I are not friends because I am gay. You know, Corinne is hilarious and all about the quips and coming up with hilarious things to say, and she wants to be funny. That's how she entertains people, whether on the beach or on TV. it didn't bother me one iota.

THR: Have you kept in touch with her?

Michael: Yeah. In truth, I think she was nervous about [how calling Michael her "gay" would be presented and received]. She was worried, but it wasn't a big deal.

STORY: Corinne Kaplan on Dawn's Betrayal, Clashing With Phillip and Her Biggest Regret

THR: You were voted out, but still made it to the jury. Was that any consolation?

Michael: I was playing to win, not just to play. But it was fun to stick around and see [how everything played out].

THR: Were you able to continue the rest of the season with an open mind in terms of who you might vote for to win?

Michael: I am a big fan of show, and I don't like watching bitter juries. That night I was voted out, I was OK. I had been really upset with Phillip in the game, but as soon as I was voted out, it was over. I wasn't going to hold that against anybody. I was out there to play a hard game, and I was not going to be a bitter jury member by any means.

THR: What do you make of Phillip?

Michael: It was tough to play with Phillip. He was a bully. He wanted everything done his way. At challenges, he wouldn't let the group come together. There were times when he stepped out of the way, but he would come back and say, "I took a step out of the way, and I'm not going to do it this time." What Phillip wanted and a lot of times what he said didn't make sense. That being said, he's Phillip and he's playing a game.

THR: How difficult was the immunity challenge? [Players had to remain under a grate in the water as the tide came in, leaving it more and more difficult to breathe, for as long as they could stand it.]

Michael: It wasn't really that hard until the very end. Actually, it was kind of relaxing sitting there. I couldn't hear what was going on; it was like laying in a cold tub. I was just laying there until it got difficult and the water started coming up over our faces. I had my eyes closed and was really focused. I was thinking, "I'm winning. They're going to tape me on the shoulder." When the wave finally came over me, I had to pull out. I couldn't recover. And then I was like, "What? There are this many people left?" I tried. It was fun to take part in a classic Survivor challenge.

THR: Why do you think the favorites are dominating so much?

Michael: I hate to say it, but they just had a huge advantage from day one, and once they got the numbers, they were smart enough to use those numbers to their advantage even more. And they're smart enough to know they can't let us get a foothold. They're playing a great game, and kudos to them.

THR: What was the hardest thing about being on Survivor?

Michael: Losing. It's one thing to starve, [deal with bad sleep conditions], being wet and cold and feeling like crap. I even passed out one night; I fainted. All these things that happened were nothing compared to the fact that we kept losing in the game and going to tribal council, and then feeling like you have to pick yourself up every single day.

THR: Would you play again if asked?

Michael: Of course. I don't think many people wouldn't. I had an amazing time. It's like nothing else I've ever done or will do in my life.

Kimberly Nordyke