Two More American Apparel Ads Banned In Britain

UK advertising regulator calls the ads “offensive” and “overtly sexual.”

Meet no-panties Trudy

Meet no-panties Trudy





More free publicity for American Apparel, thanks to the ever-vigilant British Advertising Standards Authority.

Via The Drum:

The ASA has moved to bar further use of 'offensive' and 'overtly sexual' imagery on the website of clothing retailer American Apparel following an official complaint from a woman who felt the adverts made the models appear 'vulnerable'.
In their adjudication the ASA noted: "We considered there was a voyeuristic quality to the images, which served to heighten the impression that the women were vulnerable and in sexually provocative poses. For the reasons given, we considered the ads were likely to cause serious offence to visitors to American Apparel's website."
Upholding these sentiments the ASA ruled that the ads must not appear again in their current form together with a plea to the retailer to ensure future advertising contained 'nothing that was likely to cause serious or widespread offence'.

In December, the retailer had an ad banned because the "model appeared to look under 16-years-old."

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