‘SNL’: Kim Jong-un Endorses Gay Marriage in Cold Open (Video)

It turns out nuclear ambitions aren't the only thing on North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's mind. In Saturday Night Live's cold open, the leader (played by Bobby Moynihan) revealed his views on same-sex marriage have been "evolving," and that he was lifting the nation's ban on gay marriage.

His views changed because of a gay nephew, he said during an address airing on C-SPAN.

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“I still had to have him executed, but not because he was gay," Jong-un said. Rather, the nephew was executed for hosting a weekly book discussion group in his apartment. Jong-un went on to say his approval of gay marriage had nothing to do with his own sexuality.

“I’m about as heterosexual as a person can be," he said, claiming he'd slept with 17.5 million women, nearly all of whom said they'd experienced their first orgasms because of his lovemaking. Jong-un also bragged about his NCAA tournament bracket, saying he'd correctly picked everything.

To top things off, Jong-un best friend Dennis Rodman was on hand to deliver the "live from New York" line.

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We'll post video as soon as it's made available online.

Email: aaron.couch@thr.com; Twitter: @AaronCouch

Aaron Couch