‘Grey’s Anatomy’s’ Sarah Drew: April Faces a Crisis of Faith

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"Grey's Anatomy"

April's lie may be catching up with her on ABC's Grey's Anatomy.

The neurotic doc lied to new beau Matthew (Justin Bruening) about her virginity and, as the two are growing closer, Sarah Drew says April will ponder sharing the truth with the sweet paramedic.

"This week we see her wrestling with having lied to him and realizing she truly likes sex and is very sad she can't have it," Drew tells The Hollywood Reporter. "April feels guilty that she wants it even though she's with a guy who's waiting to have sex until after he's married."

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Things will begin to come to a head next week when Matthew is injured when he (heroically, naturally!) saves a kid's life as she begins to struggle with her feelings for both Jackson (Jesse Williams) and her new love.

"She's preoccupied with another patient she has, which causes a crisis of faith for her," Drew says. "She has moments where Jackson is there for her in a way just like she needs and she goes to Matthew and he misunderstands it and it becomes about something different -- which creates more confusion for April."

While Drew says April's journey with Matthew will culminate with some "very sad and dramatic consequences" that involve him finding out the truth about her sexual history, the bump in the road -- as she calls it -- doesn't mean the new couple are doomed forever.

STORY: Will April Move on From Jackson? Shonda Rhimes, Sarah Drew and Jesse Williams Weigh In

"Both Jackson and Matthew offer April different things but both in ways that could be just what she needs in a partner," Drew says. "With Jackson, she has to make her head get in line with her heart and with Matthew, she has to make her heart get in line with her head."

Ultimately, Drew says, just whom she picks between the two will depend on how they see the world. "She's still going to believe at the deepest level that it's wrong to have sex before marriage. That's her world view and that's what she wants to do."  

STORY: 'Grey's Anatomy's' Jesse Williams on Jackson's Personal, Professional Battles

"Jackson's not the right guy for her because he doesn't see the world the same way she does and their relationship didn't work because she was feeling guilty for something he never would and that creates a lot of problems," Drew says. "He knows her better than anyone on the planet and they care for each other and he can challenge the way she sees the world, where as Matthew is a complete partnership with how he looks at the world. Both are great and it's a tough choice."

What do you think about April's love triangle? Hit the comments below with your thoughts. Grey's Anatomy airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on ABC.

Email: Lesley.Goldberg@thr.com; Twitter: @Snoodit

Lesley Goldberg