Tina Fey Revives Her Sarah Palin Impression, Goes Mavericky on ‘Actors’ Studio’ (Video)

Tina Fey

The Maverick at Large is back.

Tina Fey revived her dormant impression of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin during a guest appearance Wednesday on Inside the Actors' Studio, slipping into the special blend of Midwestern twang and skin-deep logic that was so nationally adored during the 2008 campaign.

In indulging host James Lipton, Fey-as-Palin addressed several prominent national issues, giving her opinion on gay marriage ("marriage is meant for people who wear different kinds of swimsuits") and gun control ("if everybody had guns, then there would be fewer guns in the stores") among many others.

Since Fey did her original impression of Palin on Saturday Night Live four and a half years ago, which won her an Emmy, the two have traveled very divergent paths. Fey, who just finished her award-winning run on 30 Rock and hosted the Golden Globes, has a new film, Admission, opening this weekend; Palin made a speech at CPAC last weekend in which she drank from a Big Gulp.

Jordan Zakarin