Kristen Stewart Plans Limo Surprise For Robert Pattinson’s Return, Claims Mag

Truth rating: 1


Kristen Stewart has a big surprise for Robert Pattinson when he gets back from shooting The Rover in Australia, reveals OK! magazine, the same publication that thinks the couple is currently raising a child together.

According to the tabloid’s insider, “Kristen’s got a very special night planned for Rob when he gets back.”

“She wants to surprise him by waiting in the backseat of a limo at the airport,” explains the OK! source, adding, “It’s rare for celeb couples to do that because it doubles the chances of a security issue. So he’ll be really surprised when he gets in that limo!”

Wow, what a (cough) natural-sounding quote!

The OK! insider isn’t done.

“Rob has a huge group of friends who are all dying to take him out, but Kristen’s told them to back off until she’s had some time alone,” says the magazine’s tipster.

The tab tattler adds, “She’s told him she wants him all to herself in the first 24 hours he’s back. He’ll be jet-lagged of course, but she’s got a relaxing night planned with a bottle of wine, pizza and the two of them.”


Well that’s certainly a far cry from the Australian wedding OK! predicted for the couple less than two months ago.

It’s almost as though the magazine has absolutely no inside information about Stewart and Pattinson, and will simply print whatever a “source” says in the moment.

By detailing Stewart’s supposed plans for her stateside reunion with Pattinson, OK! manages to set itself up for more bogus reporting, as when the magazine insisted Stewart was living an alleged “double life,” which had forced Pattinson to demand that she take a lie-detector test.

If the famously private couple does not conspicuously reunite at the airport, the tabloid can claim its “scoop” somehow forced Stewart to change her plans, or that she and Pattinson had some kind of fight before his flight home that ruined things.

The same magazine that was eager to float fake rumors about Pattinson and Taylor Swift last fall does NOT have the details on his reunion with Stewart.

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