TAB: Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott Have “Sham” Marriage, Divorce Imminent

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Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott are “living a lie,” blares a new cover story from Star, which has unwisely decided to double down on its previous story about the couple’s supposed “$300 million divorce.”

After claiming Spelling and McDermott had separated at least four different times since 2010, and being completely BLASTED by the actress just last week for “emotionally scarring” their kids with the FALSE breakup tale, the mag continues to dig itself into an even deeper hole.

A purported “friend” of McDermott tells the tab, “Dean’s bags are packed; he is done with Tori and all her drama.”

The so-called “source” says, “He’s even set up meetings with divorce attorneys to see what his options are, and he’s been house hunting. Tori has no idea.”

Spelling is supposedly “in denial” about the alleged breakdown of her relationship, notes the “insider,” who adds, “She always goes on and on about how strong their marriage is, but the truth is that it’s all totally fake — her marriage is a sham.”

Oh, OK… so a person who talks to Star magazine knows more about Spelling’s marriage than she does?


Anyhow, the tab goes on to quote McDermott’s former friend, Michael Olifers, who reveals, “He’s stayed with Tori for the money and fame, but it’s now at a point where he knows he’ll be set for life, so he can leave the marriage.”

Um, how does McDermott’s former pal — with whom the actor no longer has any form of relationship — know what he’s thinking or planning to do in his personal life?

Also, Star and its plethora of “sources” keep saying McDermott is going to leave Spelling… so why doesn’t he just do it already?!

For at least three years the rag has been touting rumors of a split between the pair, but Spelling and McDermott continue to stay together and expand their family.

When is the mag going to accept it’s wrong and stop waiting for the other shoe to drop?

Hopefully soon, because Gossip Cop is getting tired of correcting the same drivel over and over again.

And friends of Spelling and McDermott are similarly weary of hearing the pair’s relationship bashed.

A source close to the couple tells us the tab’s tale is “so not true,” adding, “They’re a happy family.”

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