The 16 Worst Types Of People On Twitter

Looking at you, people who love to humblebrag!

People who love to dish out unwanted advice.

People who love to dish out unwanted advice.

Why it's the worst: Oh, wait, I shouldn't be a psycho stalker?! But I thought dudes loved that shit... I'm so confused! Here's a little piece of advice for you, too: Turn off the caps lock.

Ugh level on a scale of one to ten: 10

People who don't understand how to use a hashtag.

People who don't understand how to use a hashtag.

Why it's the worst: Oh, Busta Rhymes, you great wizard of words. Why is the hashtag so difficult to master? Did someone tell you it could be used as a replacement for sentences? Did they forget to mention a hashtag should relate more to a topic than, say, the fact that you just worked out? Tell me what they told you, babe.

Ugh level on a scale of one to ten: 6

People who reveal #spoilers.

People who reveal #spoilers.

Why it's the worst: Oh, come on! This isn't your living room, I'm not watching Walking Dead with you, so please don't tweet at me as if we're sitting next to each other and I just saw exactly the same thing you did. So not cool, guys.

Ugh level on a scale of one to ten: 7

People who make reaching a certain number of followers your problem.

People who make reaching a certain number of followers your problem.

Why it's the worst: Aside from the fact that fixating on a number and making everyone else around you do the same is obnoxious, they usually try to enlist your help. As they get closer to their numeric goal, they'll also up their tweets about it and clog up your feed. :(

Ugh level: 7, because eventually they'll reach their goal and stop...for a little while.

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