Robert Pattinson “Forbids” Kristen Stewart From Visiting Him In Australia, Says Blog

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The make-believe journalists at HollywoodLife are borrowing from the sloppy reporters at In Touch, and the results are hilariously bad.

On Thursday, Jay Penske’s amateurish webloid, which has misled readers about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart for years, picked up an In Touch story that claims the actor is essentially “shutting Kristen out” as he films The Rover in Australia.

The gist of the In Touch piece is that Stewart has “fall[en] apart” in Pattinson’s absence, based mainly on the fact that she cut her foot and had to use crutches at the Oscars, where she “looked hopelessly out of place.”

Seriously, that’s what In Touch wrote.

As dumb as that angle is, HollywoodLife seized upon the other ridiculous part of the report, in which Pattinson allegedly refuses to let Stewart visit him on location.

“Rob doesn’t want her to visit,” a so-called “friend” tells the tabloid. “He wants a break.”

In Touch says Stewart’s “insecurity” is “driving him away once again,” and quotes the “friend” as explaining, “She was calling and texting him constantly — if he didn’t respond she would fly off the handle. So he just stopped responding.”

At this point, we’d like to remind everyone that In Touch is the same publication that falsely claimed Pattinson dumped Stewart back in November, then absurdly reported that Stewart was threatening Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s marriage, and wrongly implied that she was set to hook up with Rupert Sanders last month.

In Touch’s reporting on Kristen Stewart is invalid until it stops manufacturing scandal.

Using the supermarket rag’s untrustworthy sources as the basis for its own story, HollywoodLife then makes things worse with an “exclusive” quote from some random person who thinks Stewart may try to visit Australia against Pattinson’s supposed wishes.

“It seems like she’s going to fly out there, despite the fact that he has cut their communication down a lot,” says the HollywoodLife “source.”

Here’s why HollywoodLife did this story: To continue its strategy of “reporting” anything it wants if it thinks people will click.

The webloid has been embarrassing itself during Pattinson’s time in Australia with endless sensationalism and outright contradictions, all while flogging the idea that he and Stewart are currently on a “trial separation.”

Some days, HollywoodLife portrays Stewart as an unattached “single” woman who “cozies up” to mystery men.

Now the blog says she’s back to being a desperate, clingy wreck who purportedly wants to fly to Australia to see Pattinson against his wishes.

There’s no consistency, no oversight, and no hesitation about publishing random rumors.

Does HollywoodLife say when Stewart will fly to Australia?

Of course not.

That would require good sources, something HollywoodLife has never had.

Tomorrow or the next day — or maybe even later on Thursday — the webloid will post another story about Stewart and Pattinson that bears little resemblance to reality, or to its own previous stories.

It’s pathetic.

Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner Party at the Troubadour — CLICK FOR PICS

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