The 11 Best Goddamn Beer Ads Ever

Ranked 1-11. Australian beers and Guinness dominate the list.

Guinness (UK)

Epic, hilarious, brilliant, perfectly branded.
I could have made a list of just Guinness ads.
This is the best one they ever produced.

Carlton (Australia)

The mocking of stupid, big budget beer ads with a stupid, big budget beer ad. (The shots are all real, that's not digital chicanery.)

Budweiser (USA)

This is the only mainstream American beer commercial to make the cut. It is that rare ad that became a big part of national culture.
The rest of the sexist, celeb-driven, lowest common denominator humor crap produced by the big US brands doesn't even deserve a mention.

Hahn (Australia)

In America, we get moronic "Man Up" beer commercials that look like they were created by ass-kissing account executives.
THIS is how you do a manly beer ad. It is a goddamn wonder for the eyes. Look at the hilarious manly steps the beer goes through before it gets to your glass. It's one of those rare spots you want to watch more than once. And NOT A WORD of dialogue or voiceover.

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