This Awesome Lesbian Couple Is Really Psyched About Being Married

Audrey and Gail share the story of their marriage with The Devotion Project, and - OMG - they are adorable.

"I'll come right out and say, 'Oh, did you meet my wife? I want to introduce you to my wife. I want to introduce you to my wife'," beams Audrey Smaltz as she sits beside her wife Gail Marquis. In an especially touching installment of The Devotion Project, directed by Tony Osso, the couple tells the story of their relationship.

This video is one of six The Devotion Project has produced so far. Each introduces us to queer couple with an amazing story to tell. By turns sweet, beautiful, and funny, these couples are perhaps the best answer to the AP's outdated and frustrating insistence on not calling married gays husbands and wives.

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