CNN’s Martin Savidge Gets Schooled by Carnival Cruise Victim

Rob Kenny Cruise Ship Screengrab - H 2013


CNN's Martin Savidge got schooled while covering the arrival of the disabled Carnival cruise ship, which docked in Mobile, Ala., following five hellish days without power and running water.

While interviewing one of the passengers, Rob Kenny, Savidge likened the situation's "isolation factor" to Hurricane Katrina.

"They never heard anything either," said Savidge. "Your mind begins to race .... you think you're all alone. And of course, any rumor becomes solid fact."

To which Kenny responded: "Let's put that in perspective. I mean, Katrina was a major devastation. We're on a freaking cruise ship, and we're just out having a good time. ... That angle, I get it because it is just the isolation of communication but two different things. Two different things."

Watch the video footage on Gawker, wherein an unflappable Savidge quickly changes the direction of the interview, showing no reaction to getting a refreshingly rational lecture from a guy wearing a fleece and a baseball cap who just spent the week surrounded by the stench of raw sewage.

Twitter: @ErinLCarlson


Erin Carlson