And other morning links.
5 takeaways from President Obama's and Hilary Clinton's joint 60 Minutes interview. - [TheWeek]
12 unconventional radiators because it's so, so cold out. - [MentalFloss]
Chuck Schumer wants a personal apology from Beyoncé for the whole national anthem thing. - [NYPost]
5 ways you're accidentally making everyone hate you. Stop doing these things. - [Cracked]
The story of a suspected school shooter who ended up a prom queen. - [TheDailyBeast]
Chris Brown allegedly punched Frank Ocean over a parking spot last night. - [TheAtlanticWire]
The 10 best fictional libraries in pop culture. - [Flavorwire]
Peter King's Super Bowl coverage sure does feature a lot of whining about hotels. - [TheOnion]
SHOCKING NEWS: Twitter's new video app Vine is already being used to distribute porn. - [IBTimes]