The Best Thing You Ate In 2012

Think back on the last 365 days and tell us the first thing that comes to mind. And no cheating: THE FIRST THING.


This is The Matthew Sandwich on Sfilatino bread at Alidoro, an Italian speciality sandwich shop in NYC. It is impossibly large — stacked with mozzarella, thin-sliced prosciutto, arugula, and a simple oil and vinegar dressing. And it is the best thing I ate last year. I might even say it's the best sandwich I've ever had. Thing is, I usually hate sandwiches (*ducks*), but this one had such high quality ingredients, including the most unbelievably chewy bread, that I had to restrain myself not to eat lunch there every day after.

Tell us the best thing you ate in 2012 — pictures encouraged.

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